HomeProphecyPray for the USA & Canada!


Pray for the USA & Canada! — 10 Comments

  1. Thank you Beverly. So much of the Lord’s prophecy, moreso, visions, and even more prevalently, dreams, are the Lord’s call for us to pray, seeking Him further about the matters in them (perhaps do earthly research, too) and learn more about these matters, especially His will and rulings concerning them, and to proclaim/declare what God has pronounced/decreed concerning them. Then, the hands of the clock of intercession go around and then we can know what to further do about them. There are so many mistakes made when those who receive warnings, or those who whom they are described take them as simple predictions. Prophetic communication in the Ecclesia is not a fortune-telling sideshow, it is a holy communing with Him, and all should come humbly together with Him in it all.

  2. Bev, Im taking most seriously and taking up in my prayer watch/ post!! Thank you beloved. Much love & honor, Joyce ❤️

  3. Thank you Beverley for your post.

    Many of us have been sensing the soon ‘suddenlies’ on the horizon as well. I am soon going to post a short post on a dream I had – was just awoken in middle of night- to pray for nation & children in many nations. We are surely in apocalyptic times.

    Our safety is in our Lord who says “FEAR NOT”. Hide in me – trust my covenant & my blood. Selah.  Bless you, Elizabeth

  4. I found this difficult to read. I am not discounting your vision or God’s words. I just can’t take this anymore. Am under spiritual warfare.
    I also looked up Luke Harding but he has a lot of videos. Which one are you referring to?

    • Greta, This has been very hard for ALL of GOD’S BELOVEDS, having many dear friends I’m praying for under attacks as I’ve not seen before. INCREASE YOUR PRAYER PARTNERS, WORSHIP, TONGUES, & TIME WITH GOD.

      You are not the only one doing spiritual warfare or being attacked. Jesus warned us, did you count the cost?

      GOD does it all in His timing, not ours. We must be obedient to follow Him.

      I have to stay with what GOD has given me to release.

      God Bless you! Bev

  5. Beverley,
    Thank you for this deep insightful word. God is so good to warn us. But time is now short and the enemy has ramped up all his evil schemes as a last ditch attempt to destroy as many as possible. I am in BC but have many family and friends in Ontario and Quebec who I pray for regularly. I plead the Blood of Jesus over this nation and the boundary areas for each province, as well as prayers for the USA. I take authority over all the plots, plans and scenes of the enemy against Canada and the USA and declare expose, expose, expose to each one. I bind (forbid) these plans coming to pass in these nations as they are bound and forbidden in Heaven.
    I too will print this word to have as a prayer guide.

  6. Highly honor the gift of God you share in dreams and visions w/God’s people. Be blessed and refreshed in the name of the Lord!

  7. Hey Patricia, Thank you for your valuable information.  I have family in Missuagua and Ontario.  Have you had any specific word from the Lord regarding the St. Lawrence Seaway?  For some strange reason after my cousins came to visit us in my country this March, after they left, I just couldn’t stop praying for them daily – almost with urgency.  I thought twas perhaps coz I’m meeting them for the first time after decades.  This is getting worrying.  I was especially praying for salvation of their big family to bring them closer to the Lord.  They’re such a Beautiful family and I felt the Lord put it upon my heart to cover them in His Precious Blood & fervent prayer.  Thank you so much

  8. Please create a comprehensive prayer to cover the situations you are speaking of specifically
    I plead the blood of Jesus to cover this area and also cry out for the heavenly host and light of the spirit to expose expose expose

  9. Beverly, I have been praying for protection for the St. Lawrence Seaway for a good while. We are in Ontario, and a six minute walk from the St. Lawrence River right across the River is Ogdensburg, N.Y. Last night I was praying for exposure of submarines in both our Nations. I will intensify my praying for this Word you have given.
    Lord help us to be good gatekeepers and on the wall. I will copy this and keep it for praying. Thank you for your faithfulness for all of these years. Have always felt I was in. Goshen here.  Patricia ❤️

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