Pray Against Mental Problems!
Something the Holy Ghost just spoke to me about… He said pray against manic depression, multiple personalities disorders and bipolar symptoms.
He said some things are demonic and some are mental illness.
He began to show me people in stores, malls, on jobs, preaching, singing, walking the streets; they seem alright but in a instance, they began to display attributes of craziness, as if they went instantly insane.
He said to tell the people to guard their minds in this hour. It is a great warfare to drive the people to either murder somebody or to commit suicide.
He showed me how they instantly had a desire to harm somebody, to make someone suffer.
He said many are full of rage and unforgiveness and it’s bottled up inside of them, being stored until a moment when the bitterness within them begins to boil over and erupt.
He said that this is why you see people having emotional outbursts and going on rants and rages, because the enemy has been plaguing their mind with unrighteous thoughts, because of what they have been through and the things they have suffered.
He said to pray for strong discernment in this hour, because people will seem alright, but evil is being formed in their minds, and except people can discern the depth of a person’s heart, people are going to be hurt by the very ones they trust.
He said that many are harboring grudges in their hearts against other persons for sometimes no reason, but that Satan has made them a enemy in their minds.
He said that there are too many holding offense in their hearts and it’s eating at their souls.
They are bitter, angry and feeling unloved, and they are attacking anyone who seems happy.
He said many are living in a world of misery, because they refuse to be delivered or to acknowledge that they are the reason for their own bondage.
They lash out at others because they don’t want to see themselves. They blame everyone for their problems, but won’t take credit for their own downfall.
He said He has sent many to help them but they pushed them away and became angry when they would point out the truth as to why they are in bondage.
He said in this hour He is revealing to heal, but they must want the healing.
He said many won’t receive their deliverance, because they won’t let Him deliver them and set them free.
They hold onto those things that make them unhappy and miserable because they want people to be punished for what they have done to them.
I’m praying, as ABBA is leading me to pray in this hour because there is so much going spiritually.
The enemy is truly attacking minds in this hour. Delusions are overcoming people minds. Imaginations are stirring up real strong.
Some people who are having mental issues are so weak minded until the enemy is manipulating them to believe the imaginations and the lies that are being spoken to them by demonic voices.
I’m praying because this is so serious right now and we are not taking heed to what’s going on.
People, pay attention, because ABBA showed me this and He showed me people just snapping mentally and are harming others during a mental rampage.
Be careful, as people are under pressure and feeling trapped in their problems and are not able to handle the oppression they are experiencing from the enemy.
I’m praying this day and been weeping about what ABBA showed me because not only was it adults, but children are also experiencing these emotional and mental breaks in reality and doing things that they don’t even remember doing.
~ Apostle Barbara R. Thomas
Apostle Barbara R. Thomas is founder of I Come to Heal Ministries, A Woman’s touch Ministry, The Next Dimension Global Outreach Ministries and Spoken Word School of Ministry and is on a mission, traveling the world, proclaiming the Gospel, for souls to be won to the Kingdom of God. She has life mandate to help bring others to their divine purpose.
I’m dealing with this from my fiance and it is so painful and devastating. We’ll enjoy a few incredible days together abd then…SNAP! He flies off the handle, for no apparent reason. He’ll accuse me of things I did not say or do and he yells and says the most hurtful things…almost always attacking my walk with the Lord.
I know it’s the enemy abd I battle the demons daily. But I almost always leave because it’s become physical in the past (just once) and I don’t want a replay of that.
He needs prayer, Brett, my fiance. He us such a beautiful, wonderful, sweet and gentle man!!
But Satan is out for blood these days. He’s amped up his attacks and no longer seems satisfied with the level of chaos and distress we’ve grown accustomed to.
Brett and I have a shared destiny, which I’m afraid we’ll miss fulfilling if I can’t get him delivered soon! I’ve battled and battled but need help!
I had to move heaven and earth about 30 days ago, as hell tried to claim him with congestive heart failure, mitral valve regurgitation and all kinds of heart problems!! His heart is currently only functioning at 36% ~
I desperately need some prayer warriors to come alongside us. We have no prayer covering at all and are being torn apart. I don’t know how much longer I can hang on.
His sister is a witch and wants me gone from his life so I have that coming against me constantly as well.
Wow, so true.