Praise Your Way to Breakthrough!
Lately I have felt very stuck, and as though I just don’t know what (else) to pray. I sat down and asked Holy Spirit to pray my Father’s perfect will in all things pertaining to our lives, and to give me understanding, as I did so.
As I prayed in the Spirit, immediately this is what I heard and I had to share it, because I feel so often we come to the Throne Room the wrong way. We come with our agenda first!
But here is what it sounds like when Holy Spirit leads the way:
My Father,
I come before You with thanks for who You are.
I exalt You as LORD, Savior and King of Kings.
I exalt You as the Name above every other name that has attempted to release oppression over my life.
I exalt You as LORD over every circumstance.
I praise You for the way You lead me by the hand and help me navigate through tight places.
I praise You for the way You restore my hope and help me overcome discouraging thoughts.
I thank You and praise You for teaching me Your ways, so that my soul can prosper and I can be in health.
I thank You for getting my mind off of unfruitful thoughts so that I can see your beauty.
I thank You, Holy Spirit, for sifting out the things that don’t even need to be in my prayers.
I thank You, Holy Spirit, for showing me how to pray in such a way as to glorify Christ instead of my circumstances.
I praise You for the way You work through the impossibilities of my life.
I praise You that You are in control.
I praise You that You watch over Your word to bring it to pass.
I praise You because I know that my prayers have been heard and I have what I have requested.
I praise You for the things I can see working in my life and the things I don’t see.
I praise You for the way that You are able to take every circumstance and redeem it to bring hope and something that works for my good.
I praise You that You are the One who knows how to bring the missing pieces together.
I praise You for being the One who loves Me and aligns me for blessing.
I praise You that You are the One who leads me into the good plans You have for me.
I praise You for my breath.
I praise You for life.
I thank You that when I praise You I see You in the highest place and my problems come into perspective.
I thank You that my praise defeats all the power of the enemy.
I thank You that when I praise You my faith is lifted and I get a spiritual upgrade.
I thank You that when I praise you prison doors are opened and I am released from captivity.
I thank You that when I praise You the invisible barriers are broken.
I thank You that when I praise You I receive revelation and inspired thoughts from You.
I thank You that You are the answer to everything I need.
I thank You that You are able to get through to those that I cannot reach.
I thank You that when I praise You the heavy yoke falls off.
I thank You that when I praise You my perception of Your greatness explodes in my heart.
I thank You that when I praise You my expectancy towards You increases.
I thank You that when I praise you, I know that nothing is impossible with You.
I exalt You because the name of Jesus is worthy of my praise!
I think I could have gone on and on, but you get the point. My friend, scripture reminds us that God resists the proud, but He gives grace to the humble. In other words, He may hear everything we say, but He doesn’t release His help until our heart is positioned right.
Let Holy Spirit shift your prayers and sift out the things that don’t even need to be said. God already knows our frustrations, the things we worry about and the burdens of our heart. He has a plan to take care of all that. What He wants to hear from us is our worship! Thank Him for who HE IS and He will take care of everything else!
~ Laura Gagnon
Laura Gagnon is a woman who has been blessed with the gift of understanding God’s restorative work through her own personal experience. Through her insights and revelation, God has led her to influence many individuals into a restored relationship with Jesus Christ. She is a woman who stands on the promises of God, encouraging others in an elevated expectation of the miraculous and declares the gift of His life. Laura is the author of Healing the Heart of a Woman and writes for her blog, Beyond the Barriers.
Thank you Laura for all your wonderful powerful prayers that bring comfort and solace around the world
Love and blessings from India
WONDERFUL ! Thank you, dear sister.
I even praise Him for the “bad news” that I heard today, that my new job is limited only to MAY 2016… and it must have been “misunderstanding”… So in every circumstance we shall thank the LORD our true Saviour, and there is a song on my mind: “I praise You in this storm”. HE knows the final destination of His children. HE knows our thoughts, our hearts, and HE knows what`s wrong and what`s right.
Thank you sister for these good and cleansing Words!