HomeProphecyPowerful Prophetic Signs for the Hour and Season!


Powerful Prophetic Signs for the Hour and Season! — 6 Comments

  1. After reading this word I felt I had to pray for the closure of pornographic sites and against the free flow of pornographic material by the new generations, which has led to the perversion and addiction of many young people to pornography and sex. I also ask you to pray for this intent.

  2. Amen!  I started to read your prophecy about sounding the shofar, then the Lord said to me to put on the song “Blow the trumpet in Zion” an old song . I got back to your article but He didn’t let me read it until I put on that song so I did. As I was listening to it I knew there was a very strong warfare in the spiritual realm I could feel it. I started praying and praising God. I prayed for the chaos and confusion to be sent to the enemy’s camp not only in our lives but also to the nations. My husband then came from outside and he said to me let’s pray so we did, he mentioned that this is a spiritual battle not a physical one. I knew God was speaking for us to be armed in this hour and be ready.  Praise His Holy Name! LORD OF HOSTS IS HIS NAME!  Thank you Veronica for your obedience to God and standing on the truth His Truth.  Marie J

  3. Ephesians 2:2 says in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.

    So looks like taking control of the airwaves to disable the enemy’s kingdom is a good strategy.

  4. This is so exciting!  I have been saying in prayer “Not On My Watch!” And I lift Israel in my prayers everyday. God is so good!  I don’t have a shofar but I will be playing a recording of one during those dates.

  5. I just realized your call for 22 day war room prayer starts on Rosh Hashanna, The feast of Trumpets, and ends on the last day of Sukkot, The feast of Tabernacles. Yes, this is a significant time when the Remnant must gather wherever they are, seek His face and call out His purposes in the earth.
    Isn’t it also significant, how the enemy’s communications have been totally disrupted and destroyed in Lebanon/Iran the last two days with the pagers, radios and even solar panels blowing up. Their networks have been destroyed. A sign that we must press in and the same will happen in the Spiritual realm.
    Yes, blow the shofars, let the prayers and declarations of the saints rise up to destroy the plans of the wicked ones. Both in our nations and in the unseen realms.

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