Power and Authority
“I have given you Power and Authority over the evil one,” says The LORD.
“I have given you My Name. I have given you My Word. Nothing can conquer you or defeat you as you use what I have given you.
“You are not to be trampled under the feet of the enemy, but you are to tread on him.
“Do not cower or back away, when I have equipped you with the power not only to overcome evil, but to push against the powers of darkness, with powerful weapons and the light that I have given you,” says The LORD.
“Fear is not an option,” says The LORD.
“I have never given it to you, but have already given you superior weapons and ammunition that cannot be overpowered.
“Use them and know that you are already positioned to win every battle. Nothing is greater than My Spirit in you, as you stand against the enemy and war a good warfare in Me.
“You cannot be defeated if you refuse to quit. I AM with you to insure that the enemy will not take advantage over you, and I will always cause you to triumph in Me, as you put on My armor, use the sword of My Spirit, and defeat the diabolical works of the enemy,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Dr. Reneike, thank you for your obedience to such an Awesome Word. Blessings.
Sooo Good!!
God bless you beautiful lady!!
Amen and Amen!!
This word entered my spirit by the power of the Holy Spirit, and this word moved me and warred against a spirit of fear that has blocked my way home to God the Father. God Bless you June for your faithfulness to post this word. I have no doubt that the Evil One fought to prevent the posting of this powerful word. Thank you again for your perseverance and faith!! With Love of a fellow believer, Kirk.
Praise God! Gid bless you, dear Pastor Reinke! This is a powerful and anointed word! I feel this measge and word from the Lord is definitely for me, as of current, the Lord God is allowing me to experience extraordinary, fiery trials which certainly call for the supernatural weapons of warfare, supplied through the authority of Jesus Christ, by God’s Word – for it not by power or might, but by God’s Spirit, when in the heat of an intense battle, activated in faith.
GOD is right, fear, backing down and quitting is not an option, that will never be an option for soldiers in Jesus Christ, we endure until the very end of our journey. I thank God for placing this within your heart to share, very much needed. I notice that some spiritual officials within the Body of Jesus Christ, automatically assume that when under direct attack, that it is sin in the individual’s life – but I guess it’s not common for God to allow such spiritual warfare, as a way to purify, instill faith, to prepare those believers for a ministry that calls for divine and supernatural help from God the Father, in Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Paul in the bible, Elijah, Peter, Daniel – Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego, just to name a few – were under great attack and pressure, because of the Anointing on their lives to be extraordinarily tested for ministry, for the testimony of many.
God bless you, dear Sister Reinke! I thank you for sharing, so much!
Praise GOD! Halleluyah! Amen!
Hooray..yes Lord..hallelujah..thank you prophetess..great is our awesome God..