Please Leave Your Religion at Home!
Many years ago, while I was studying the Bible in a Bible School, I had an after school and at night job working in a meat market.
I was a meat cutter and could break down beef sides and pork, chicken, and what else was in the market to prepare.
The man who was the boss over the meat market, was a very foul mouthed individual who was constantly using cuss words and most of [offensive to me and others in the room] all, he joked about God and used God’s name in vain a lot.
On top of this, his wife often came into the meat market to see her husband. While she was there, everyone was put on the spot by this woman’s hatred toward Christians and the Bible.
To describe the atmosphere in the market as one of much abuse and offense would be telling it lightly, but we all [who worked in the market] were directly affected by the constant barrage of bad language and anti-Christian rhetoric.
As it was, I had a hard time keeping my faith to myself and often found myself saying something in defense of God and the Bible, etc..
The boss of course did not like it at all, and would outright tell me off in front of everyone and laugh at me, etc..
One day, after months of this personal affliction, I was going out the door to go to the restroom when the boss suddenly approached me outside the meat room.
He said to me very firmly, “Dewey, when you come to work, leave your religion at home!”
Turning to him I said, “Sir, I will leave my religion at home if you will leave yours!”
Well he chimed up, “I have no religion! I am not a Christian and do not want to be!”
Then I answered him, “But sir… you are religious! Your religion is to worship the devil and self. You are probably more religious than anyone in this department!”
The man stood there stunned, not knowing what then to say.
Finally he looked at me and said, “Well said Dewey… I totally agree with you. I am religious..”
Then he walked away, never to say anymore to me concerning the subject. His whole attitude changed, and he actually became a quite nice fellow. Everyone was shocked!
So before you say, “I am not religious,” please let me ask you, what do you believe and talk about?
The Bible says: “Whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God.” Then in one place it says, “From the mouth, the heart speaketh…”.
Many religious people will die without Christ and go to an eternal hell, except they repent of their religion, turning to Jesus Christ, as the only way to be saved.
“Repent and believe and because your sins are forgiven, and be baptized, then you will receive the gift of The Holy Ghost.” Acts 2:38.
You never know just how much a personal witness will accomplish.
Should we not all speak up and speak the truth to people as they are to help them get to where they ought to be?
Never let the devil silence you and intimidate you! Stand up to him, in the power of Jesus Christ.
Be a witness — someone will be touched!
A personal testimony and lesson.
~ Desert Prophet Ken Dewey
The light will shine in His glory… In the desert.
Evangelist/ Prophet/ Pastor Ken Dewey is the founder of “OUT OF THE DESERT MINISTRIES“ in Belen, New Mexico, USA. He writes on this Web Site, many Prophetic words, Sermons and teachings while leading people into true church settings and preaching in an End Time Gospel Ministry.
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Yes…I’m guilty. Bring the lost to CHRIST break every chain
Wooooooow, awesome. Beautiful. Love it. Thank you brother.
Great Message and thanks much for sharing!!!
So glad that you stood your ground Pastor Jen Dewey!
A Good reminder that we should Prayerfully
take courage to speak forth the Truth.