Placed, Promoted and Productive!
“I will prepare a place for you,” says The LORD.
“There will be room for enough you! Though you have been pushed out of one place after the other, and your position taken by another, do not fret.
I have new things in store for you! Do no mourn over what you have left behind. For I AM NOT a God of demotion.
I AM the ONE who will promote you. You will see that the things that you thought you lost, will not be as valuable to you in comparison to what you will gain,” says The LORD.
“Lift up your head, and lift up your hands that hang down,” says The LORD.
“I did not give you abilities just to be idle and unproductive. I will use you for MY GLORY.
It is a new day for you, and there are new things for you to discover. I will give you the unthinkable, if you will stop mourning over what was, and look forward to what will be!
Your success in Me is assured, and I will give you everything you need for the purpose I have called you and created you for.
It is not the end of you, but a new beginning, and the things that you learned in the last season will not destroy, but develop you, and benefit you as you walk through the new doors that I will open for you,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Godbless you. I am a pastor who is currently going through alot but this message has strengthened me thanks
Received with shouts of acclamation as this is a reminder of things spoken to me three years ago and again just two weeks ago. Be it done unto me according to the Will O God for your honour and glory. Hallelujah