HomeProphecyRevival Passion!


Revival Passion! — 1 Comment

  1. Dear Bro. Chris,

    So Interesting to read your post today.Speaking about past revival and revivalists. For months now, The Lord Has been speaking to me about the Welsh revival.And different moves of God and I’ve been trying to learn as much as I can.And just last week I felt to learn about the “Primitive Welsh revival”, though, haven’t been able to find much info on it.

    I wasn’t born in the State of Delaware, (but my late father was over 100 years ago); and learned recently that Wesley & some ‘Parsons’ held revivals here in DE. Delaware has oldest church in USA (DE.was 1st state to ratify the Constitution- and I’m 10 miles from the 1st City (Lewes) in the 1st State where it began. Also,I just learned from a older living relative, it was discovered in some archive somewhere that on my fathers’ side – I have ancestors going back generations that were part of revivals, preachers sent here by a King in Wales (Gruffyd) centuries ago to preach the gospel. Who knew?

    I’d love to learn more – as Lord been speaking for months about ancient boundaries, the ancient landmarks- going back to basics -that there are annointings, mantles, things literally in the land tracks, primitive land tracks, where mantle and annointings are waiting to drop.

    I welcome learning more on this if you can recommend some book. And when you wrote this below…..

    …”but in particular I AM blowing on the embers of the Great Awakening in America, the almost cold fires of Wesley and Whitefield, the Primitive Methodists, the Welsh Revival of the mid-1800’s, and the Great Welsh Revival of 1904-6.”….

    – it stirred something in me. Well Lord – do as you see fit!  Shalom- Elizabeth

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