Overcoming Treachery in the Nation
Some time ago some people had contacted me from a group that was falling apart.
Several people of the group were meeting with me for a few days seeking to deal with some of the painful issues involved.
While praying about the next meeting, God spoke one word clearly to me. The word was “treachery”.
Asking for more the further reply was, “Treachery is involved.” After study the following was made clear to me.
Treachery occurs in families, tribes or nations. Often a person or persons that intend to do that which they believe is right and good for their family, tribe or nation, actually do some very bad things to other members of their same group. Often these things are done in a clandestine treacherous way.
Spiritual darkness or lack of the spiritual light of God is the source of all natural, political, or religious acts of treachery.
Pride, self-elevation, self-preservation and un-love are some characteristics of the darkness that fosters disloyalty and unfaithfulness that leads to treachery.
Now in this season, much more has been made clear as our nations, tribes and families are currently experiencing treachery beyond that which we could have even imagined in the past.
What Is Going on and What Can We Do About It?
Life in this world has greatly changed over the recent generations. My 34 grandchildren and now 51 and counting great grandchildren are growing up in a much more hostile lifestyle in America.
Yet at the same time there are more people who truly know and love God than at any time in history. A very deep and widening chasm has developed between those who truly seek God and His kingdom and those who are not in love with God.
In recent decades God has poured out His Spirit upon His chosen people across the world. In America and much of the world, a deep powerful rumbling within the hearts of the people of the love and power of God has threatened to shake the world.
Before this deep call of love and power, the ungodly “secular” world of human intellectualism and elitism had already replaced the life and love of God ruling in the hearts of many, if not most, of the people across the land.
Humanism and other isms became the gods of this world and separated the church from the guidance and government of the nation and the world.
Many religious Christian believers were deceived by spirits of darkness posing as angels of light and caused to withdraw from the leadership and the governing activities of the nations. (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).
The Spirit outpourings of the past few decades brought fresh revelation and enlightenment to awaken the people of God to the reality of The Kingdom of God by the love of God in Christ Jesus in us by The Holy Spirit.
The Love of God in a people is a great threat to the ungodly secular humanism darkness ingrained in the people of the fallen world ruling systems.
Worldwide War of Darkness Against Light
God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. (1John 1:5).
God is love and there is no un-love in Him at all. (1 John 4:8).
The current national and worldwide conflict is an all-out separation of LIGHT and DARKNESS or of the people of GOD and the people not of God.
Darkness is not a true substance. Darkness is only the absence of the presence of light.
The evil rule of darkness is the absence of the manifest presence of god.
The manifest presence of god is spirit god appearing in the natural or physical world or existence.
In this world, mankind in families, tribes, and nations can only function in righteousness, peace and joy in the manifest presence of God.
A mixture of God and “anti-God” or light and darkness among individuals within the family tribe or nation always creates disorder and conflict.
The dominant part of the group, whether light or darkness, will consider the lesser side as treasonous.
If light bearers are dominant in the family, tribe or nation, then those of darkness are considered traitors to the family, tribe or nation.
All of the actions by the lesser side to propagate their darkness are seen as acts of treachery by the opposing group.
If the carriers of darkness are dominant in the group, then the acts of the light bearers to propagate light are seen as treachery by the dominant side of darkness.
All conflict and acts of treachery by mankind, whether between the different groups or within a group, comes from the different dominant beliefs within the people.
Overcoming Treachery
In America and some of the world the latter decades of the twentieth century brought restoration and resurgence of the manifest presence of God among some of the Christian believers.
This increased light of God’s presence by Christ Jesus manifesting in His people by the Holy Spirit has spread like yeast in a lump of dough.
This increase of light appears as high treason to the current ruling elite group of godless secularist national rulers.
Their treacherous acts against the people of the light seem to them to be a notable worthy war against what they believe to be an enemy of the nation.
Religious Christians, without the fullness of the pure holy love of God react against the ungodly leaders with political or military force in an effort to stop the continued increase of darkness by the godless people. Thereby, producing more treachery instead of reducing it.
Only the greater fullness of the manifest presence of God with His love, power and wisdom can overcome all darkness and unify the nation, tribe, or family in the pure holy love of God in Christ Jesus in us by the Holy Spirit of God manifesting the rule of God’s love on Planet Earth.
The only way to overcome treachery in this world is to have the manifest presence of god saturate life in the world. Mankind’s part is to make the place where we are, into a place where god wants to be.
The first place that must be made into a place that God wants to be is within our hearts. God wants to be in a place where He is loved and honored above ALL else.
There will need to be room made for God in our hearts by throwing out all other gods, including the people, places or things for which we have affection and from which we draw life that provides for us that which only God is to provide for us.
The things of real life are to come from God and our love for Him above all else.
The next place to be made into a place where God wants to be is our family, tribe or nation. The manifest presence of God will come into the heart that loves Him above all else and in the family, tribe or nation that loves and honors Him above all else.
Jesus said that when two or three are gathered in His name there He is with them in His manifest presence.
There is no lack in the manifest presence of God. There is no more need to strive to be more than someone else or to have more than someone else.
We become as fountains of life flowing out to the world around us. The manifest presence of God is a fountain of living water to a dry and thirsty world.
“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33.
Be made whole in His love,
~ Ron McGatlin
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Ron McGatlin Ron has over 62 years of seeking to serve God in ministry and business. Barbara has served in pastoral and Christian education positions for over 10 years. They currently make their home in the foot hills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina, USA. Ron has written 5 books on revival and the in-breaking kingdom and continues to write powerful apostolic/prophetic articles published weekly in the OpenHeaven.com Digest.
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