HomePrayersOvercoming Delay in your life


Overcoming Delay in your life — 23 Comments

  1. Esther amen man of God . Thank you . Please help me to pray against delay in my life .

  2. I receive all the blessings and decree that there shall be no more in my life in Jesus powerful name I declare Amen

  3. Thank you for this prayer….  God has been allowing me to minister more even in my brokenness, lack, and delays.
    I appreciate this website and the blessings it brings to the body of Christ to ignite a realm of power in the heart of the believer.  I am one that have been praying these prayers on this website at least twice a day and through the night when I can’t sleep.
    Please and thank you for praying for my manifestation of financial breakthrough, healing and open doors to proclaim the goodness of God amongst the living.
    Also, the delay has been in my finances, healing, and Veteran benefits.
    Again, may the Lord richly bless you all, may He keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace. Praise God!

  4. This is a serious spirit and I have seen it in the works so thank you I added you to my favorites so I can read and pray ceasingly against such spirits God bless you!

  5. OMG! Man of God, you have melted my heart.  I am moving to Kenya! lol
    This word was exact,and full of the wisdom of God.
    I thank Him for giving you divine insight and for sharing it with the body.  I have been praying but to be honest, sometimes they have been strong, then other times they have been lukewarm.  I have been praying harder for family members than I have for myself.  They have gotten major breakthrough’s…
    I am still waiting!  Tonight this changes! 

    Thank you.