Our Fate is Hanging in the Balance
As I have been praying, I keep thinking the fate of The Church in America and the fate of the our future is hanging in the balance.
As that thought came to me, I said, Lord, “Is that you?”
He spoke clearly to me, “My Daughter, as I have always taught you, I have given My People a choice, and America and many of The Nations, have come to a place of division as a result of their choices to compete for the positions of control and leadership.”
“In the balance” : A phrase of balance uncertain; at a critical stage. “His survival hung in the balance for days” (Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages)
Then almost immediately, The LORD said, “I AM searching all across the land to those who call themselves ‘believers’ or Christians, and those that are willing to count the cost of giving their all to me, and be willing to pay the price of that surrender.
I say to you, it is a time to “Believe the Unthinkable” — which simply means “Only believe”!
It is also necessary to “Imagine the Impossible” — which means “Know that nothing is Impossible’ with Me.
I AM now removing all delays, as I call forth a new Generation who are ready to embrace their Heavenly Calling from the “Director of Heaven” (and Earth).
I AM stripping away ever façade and every lie that they have been given, and I AM opening their hearts to discover that they are perfectly loved and fully known, chosen and accepted.
Every wall they have built shall crumble and fall down as I send them forth in My Love to be a demonstration of My never-ending Love — that never fails!
It is My Love that brings balance to what is totally out of balance.
When hatred, jealousy and all the works of the flesh are ruling, everything becomes out of balance.
I desire unity, not division and when there is no Agreement on Truth, it brings imbalance.
In the world, there is much deception that is bringing tribulation and I created the world based on Truth,” says The LORD.
It is time to speak to the leaders in America regarding Peace, Truth and Unity.
The LORD is calling His People to pray! Pray for Love to conquer hate, Peace to conquer strife, and Honor to be restored among all people.
“I AM pouring out a Revelation of My Unconditional Love to this new Generation that will feed their hunger and longing to really know Me.
I AM calling forth a new Generation that is hungry for My Presence,” says The LORD.
“I have filled their hearts with an excitement for the deeper things of My Kingdom as I stir their hearts with longing to really know Me.
As they yield themselves to Me without reservation, I AM pouring My Love into their hearts and assuring them there is a landscape larger than the one they can see.
In this hour,” says The LORD, ‘I AM raising up young writers who will change history!
They will Report The Truth of what is really happening — and I AM giving them fresh understanding to approach their writing with Hope, and not despair, to give a Report of the Whole Truth, not just the Truth as it appears.
Many will go on to create movies of what they are writing about, that will also reveal a Heavenly Strategy that led to Victory!
They will give a fresh approach to the present generation that has masked The Truth, controlled the news and media, and left The Truth to the imagination of the reader,” says The Author and Finisher of our Faith.
“Because they are ‘newbies’, many may say they are Pioneers — but truly they are just restoring Truth to ‘The News’ — or shall we say — The Whole Truth and nothing but The Truth.
Others might say — and this, my friends, is ‘the rest of the story’ — we cannot truly label them Pioneers, because the country of America was built on Trust.
I keep hearing the voice of The LORD say, ‘Yes! True RESTORATION is happening one day at a time.
My Voice shall be heard through the new Generation to bring Purity, as they speak Purity in Truth.
My Voice of Justice shall flow through them without Judgment.
They shall be living examples of ‘they shall know The Truth — and The Truth has set them free’. (John 8:32)
Yes, Beloved, the new younger Generation shall be remembered in history as The Voice of Truth — as they keep their hearts free from deception and walk in Love!”
~ Sandi Holman
Sandi Holman was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions. Sword of The LORD Ministries came from a divine encounter with The LORD when He came into her prayer room and said, “I have come to put a sword in your hand and was given special instructions on how and when to use it.” She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor and Seer, Chaplain, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper, and Blogger who has also served as a Pastor Online with Beyond the Veil Ministries.
So Good!!
I had a dream years ago where the Lord threw me a Frisbee from his little blue Toyota pickup truck window, I was standing on my 3rd story balcony, I jumped off the balcony, caught the Frisbee, and landed on a picnic table in the backyard. On the Frisbee were written the words, “THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE”.
Thank You for posting Sandi, what an encouragement!! I’ve given everything, although if I’m still holding on to anything that’s not Him and He reveals it….IT’S GONE!!! The Reward is far too Precious and Valuable to give up!!
God bless you beautiful lady!!
Yes Lord Amen!
Thank You Jesus!!!
Thank you Sandi!!