Our Defiled Temple
How is The Temple of God defiled?
Do you recall how angry Jesus became when he enters The Temple and saw it “defiled“ by those buying and selling, and the money changers? (Matthew 21:12-14)
The things of the world have been brought into The Temple. That’s how it is defiled today, when we invite things of the world into our lives.
This also becomes an invitation for demon spirits to inhabit The Temple! Like rats are attracted to garbage, when our life has unconfessed sin, unbroken curses or unforgiveness, the demons come and they defile The Temple.
They must be “driven“ out. They cannot be medicated out t, nor counseled out. Neither can they be moved by you, willing them to be gone.
All Christian activity is helpful in keeping the demons somewhat “in check“, but to be rid of them they must be “cast out“. They must be driven out in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ!
Jesus said, “in My name cast out devils.“ (Mark 16:17)
Can The Temple be defiled? Absolutely! Just as Jesus saw The Holy Temple of God defiled, He sees ours defiled by things that we have permitted in our lives.
No, the lie we have believed is that once we have confessed our sins, the demons leave. Not necessarily so!
I hope you haven’t believed that lie.
Repentance and confession of sin cancels the penalty of sin we are certainly cleansed of sin, but have the demons been commanded to leave?
The “permission“ of the demon spirit to be there has been canceled, but they often do not leave until they are “commanded to do so in the name of Jesus”!
Healing came after The Temple was cleansed. No sin could enter The Holy of Holies.
A defiled temple is a troubled temple! A troubled temple must be cleansed by The LORD Jesus.
“Cleansed“ in this case is more than being forgiven. It is driving out the source of the defilement.
It’s time to go forward, high time to drive out the forces of evil. It’s time to take dominion. It’s time to take our power of attorney in the Name of Jesus and cast away that which is evil — the serpents in the sanctuary.
~ Gail Manizak
Gail Manizak of The Power and Presence Ministry, is all about encouraging the Body of Christ as a Ministry of Intercession and contending for our communities, as a House of Prayer.
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