Our Choices Affect Others
There was a man I knew and he had a powerful call of God on him, over 22 years ago.
The man loved me as a sister in Christ and treated me well as we always talked about The LORD.
One day The LORD made things clearly known to me about this brother and I prophesied over him and told him exactly what God said and what would happen if he rebelled and walked away.
Suddenly things got weird and all the calls and times of prayer stopped. I was so sad as I knew he made a decision that would affect many people. “Our choices affect others. We are not alone.”
In the brother’s face and body were the signs of his rebellion. As I beheld him his body was distorted from grudges, hatred, malice, unforgiveness, bitterness “that defiles many” and the stronghold of pride.
Sadly, I knew he had rebelled and walked away from The LORD, and from that moment on he hated me with a passion.
He blamed me for everything wrong in his life. Those things that were prophesied happened and he wanted me to be gone out of his life, because I was a reminder of his rejection of God’s call in his life.
The brother was extremely controlling and manipulative and instead of facing himself, he had to blame me. That man wanted me gone and tried to do everything in his power to snub me and not even speak to me or acknowledge me as a person.
The man had heard from God himself about the call,and I had only confirmed it. Since a lot of that prophetic Word came to pass right away, the man went about having to prove to himself — that I was wrong and he was right.
He has carried that rebellion in him since that prophecy and doesn’t want anything to do with serving God.
He has carried that rebellion a long time and it has affected everyone around him. For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is as idolatry. (1 Samuel 15:23)
His rationale was because, if I was right, he would be responsible for what he clearly heard from God many years ago.
He was told exactly what would happen to the minute detail, and soon the calls stopped and I knew he rejected the call. From then on, he has lived the consequences of his decision and choices, but blames me for it all and won’t even speak to me after we had been so close.
I agonized over the division through the years and I watched him become so isolated and bitter. I have asked God so many times over the years to lead me to him to repent if I did something wrong.
I was willing to humble myself and I still am. I asked God to show me what to do and had every intent on going to him as a sister in Christ and to humble myself.
What happened next floored me!
As I made up my mind to go to him and seek his forgiveness, I was preparing to go, and The LORD suddenly stopped me and spoke to me clearly and arrested me on the spot to hear The Counsel of The LORD.
Suddenly my Spirit, mind, and body were clear and all doubt and unbelief were not even in the vicinity. I knew I had an epiphany from God — then suddenly The LORD spoke to me….
“A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions are like the bars of a castle,” (Proverbs 18:19 KJV).
The LORD had shown me the stronghold of pride, arrogance and haughtiness within him — and The LORD spoke this to me;
“Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom,” (Proverbs 13:10 KJV).
I know that strife and contention breed every evil work along with bitterness that not only defiles him but also defiles many. That means it spreads like cancer and does such damage in the lives of those people he resides with and those he is associated to.
“Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled,” Hebrews 12:15 KJV.
Then The LORD said that the brother wouldn’t receive and accept me or my apology and that it would make things worse as he would twist it and would use it against me if I tried to fix it.
He further stated that I needed to pray, release him and give him over to God and let it go, and move on — because I had done all I could do.
I have learned there are those, no matter how hard we try, we cannot reach and seek peace from them.
Had I gone to the brother outside of The LORD’s Will, I would have gotten in the way of God’s judgment (chastisement) and I would have made it worse and he would have more ammo, information to spew out of his mouth.
God knows the rest of the story and knows what it will take for that brother — but as for me?
My time being blamed and bothered by his offense is over and my mind clear.
I forgive, lose that man and let him go! God tells us to cast our cares on The LORD, release the burden to him for he cares for us!
Do you have a relationship like this?
I challenge you to come aside and wait upon The LORD for just because there is a need that doesn’t mean you fill it.
Loose those ones you cannot help and let them go beloved. God knows exactly what and who you are and knows your future. He is a good, good, God, and trust Him to connect those together with like heart mind and Spirit!
In HIS Grace and Mercy,
~ Sherry Edwards Mackey
Sherry Edwards Mackey
Please Note: Publications and or prophecy taken from this may be used to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ. The articles taken must be used according to it’s entirety with credits. Thank you kindly!
I absolutely agree with you dear sister. I understand very well what you’re trying to share with us. It really is one of the hardest thing to do. God knows the truth and in his time He will reveal it and fix it. Thank you sister and Shalom to you…