HomeProphecyOperation Payback


Operation Payback — 1 Comment

  1. Oh my goodness Priscilla….Oh Father thank You for this AMAZING encouragement!!
    This morning we had our weekly 6am prayer conference call with people from different locations in the US, and many from nations far away. It was my turn to lead and all I can do is testify to the Fiery Furnace of His Love and the Valley of Shadows He’s been walking me through and all that He’s given to encourage me. One of those points was to suggest reading the 40s in Isaiah!! HE IS SO POWERFUL!! Every verse in Isaiah’s “40” chapters are of God the Almighty reminding His People how Absolute His Power truly is!!
    This word is so encouraging for me Priscilla, and I mean every single line He has packed with Power!! You can be assured I’ll be going back to it throughout the day, as it seems the enemy is also well aware of this time we’re transition into!! :/
    God bless beautiful lady!! :)

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