HomeProphecyOld Age


Old Age — 5 Comments

    • Hello Wong,

      The Lord is always listening to our hearts. He is compassionate.

      If we are willing and obedient we shall eat the good of the land.

      I pray the Lord’s choicest blessings over your life.

  1. Dearest Patricia,

    I wept the entire time reading this message from the Lord. I know God has a plan for His “Golden Vessels” (Aged Ones).

    It is amazing what the Lord allows to grow our faith. We thank him daily for getting us past our pain to experience a glorious future with Him.

    Physical and mental afflictions are live stream in our lives, so is The Father’s love.

    Let us rejoice at every victory of breathing on our own or with help, walking and talking with the aide of devices or on our own.

    If we are not able to do these things – we thank God for the ability to look up to Heaven or nod our heads.

    I do pray for you and your family that the sure mercies of David shall continually be your portion.

    I thank God for sending relief, a quickening of the Holy Ghost, and Divine Intervention in your life, in Jesus name.

    I love you Patricia,

    Romans 8:24-28

    • Mary, I loved your response. I cried the second time I read it also. It struck something deep inside. Perhaps because of the contending on so many levels. Abba Father is so faithful. Tomorrow I will look in the mirror and say, I see a golden vessel. Smile.  I was just reading Psalm 5 on David’s contending. Thank you again. Love you too sister. ❤️

  2. Hi Mary, I am declaring though my outer man is perishing that my inner man is being renewed day by day. He looks upon the heart. Daily we contend and daily by His grace we overcome. This has been a very hard year but the Lord is faithful. Thank you for sharing. I always remember my Dad saying, you have to forge ahead. We are needing strength daily that only the Lord can supply. My hubby will be 82 and I will be 75 in just over a week. Contending and overcoming but needing prayer. Blessings.  Patricia

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