Offence Will Come!
An extract from “A Heart Transplant at Gilgal”
Here is the 4th note of a 7 note series on “A Heart Transplant at Gilgal”, showing how to put the mouth under the submission of God!
So many people want to give revelations when God has not told them and they are like King Hezekiah showing his treasures, where their flesh wants to get credit.
This note shows about the two year season God had me endure to not give one thing out of my mouth, when He had overflowed me in great truth and revelations.
The test of true humility and wisdom, is when our storehouse is filled with treasures and to only give out of it when the father tells us.
“Let me preface this with OFFENSE WILL COME! The Holy Spirit allows offense to come, because offense is to shovel out of us what is not of God.
For those who have not read my book, The Glory to Glory Sisterhood, there is an entire section on Offense that gives you the revelation of what offense is to do in our soul. Either the sin nature will be uprooted or we will from the ministry we serve.
There were many times that I could have been offended with others and in the natural had a right to be offended, but it was a test for me before God would promote me, whether or not I would allow love to infuse me and love those who persecuted me and allow God to deal with their hearts.
The Holy Spirit literally zipped my lip all throughout the attack of the enemy against me during the times offense came toward me, because I was being falsely accused of being a Jezebel and other things on top of that, as well as treated as though I had some contagious disease that others might get.
I did, the Dis Ease I had was JESUS and made others at a lot of DIS–Ease, because they were not use to seeing Him in the manner in which I displayed Him.
I am an abandoned lover who does what Jesus tells me to do, no matter what the cost. Therefore, I was paying a huge price at the time.
On top of that, Holy Spirit was allowing my FLESH TO DIE! This occurred by two methods, the flesh dying, the first of which Holy Spirit would not let me speak!
Holy Spirit was training me on the difference between the flesh speaking and the spirit speaking. I was given massive revelations during this time and while others would talk on the revelations they had on the subject matter Holy Spirit gave me massive downloads on, Holy Spirit would not let me open my mouth even once regarding those revelations; I was being tested if I wanted the glory and allow flesh to rise up or would only allow God to get the glory and speak when He told me to speak.
Believe me just because we have a revelation doesn’t mean we are to tell everyone about it whenever we feel like it.
Thank you Jesus that is over! I see this test given many times to people and they cannot restrain themselves for letting everyone know what they know. I simply allow Holy Spirit to have me maintain patience in the fruit of Holy Spirit and pray for those in this test until they actually pass.
A news flash is that promotion comes when we PASS this test! Therefore, many are not walking in the call of God because they still have not passed this test where they walk in the spirit and not the flesh, not letting the flesh nature be predominant in speaking.
Next, the other method in which our flesh dies is that we go through different offenses whereby Holy Spirit allows the flesh and sin nature in us to die so that we become infused with the Love of Christ Jesus in us so our roots go deeper in Him!
It is in this pressing in, this allowing the offense to expose the flesh and the sin nature in our hearts/souls in order to allow God to remove it from us so that it is all about God and nothing is about us!
This promotion from Bethel to Jericho indicates Elisha’s going forth from glory to glory by passing his test as a servant and moving forth into the test of allowing the love of God (Christ Jesus) to be molded in him in a greater measure, making him a sweet fragrance.
As Elisha walks through and passes this test we see the flesh, carnal nature of man interfering again when the prophets instruct Elisha his master would be taken away by the LORD today.
Again Elisha tells them to be quiet. Many times when you are moving forward in the call of God others might allow their flesh, carnal nature, to operate in them and attack you.
You have to look forward and not give into the flesh nature of others that simply is a hindrance to distract you from going in the Way of the LORD.
As we looked in the prior note where Peter reproves Jesus from going to the cross, it indicates the flesh is trying to tell the spirit what to do and Jesus rebukes Peter, saying that he is given to the nature of man.
Do not let the nature of man, the flesh, of others be a deterrent, simply do not listen to the message of the flesh.”
A saint crying out to God for fullness of deliverance and the manifestation of salvation.
~ Robin Kirby Gatto
Robin Kirby-Gatto operates in the prophetic, bringing the testimony of Jesus into the earth through the scripture Revelation 19:10 “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Robin walks in God’s Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding and is brought into areas to bring a revelation of God’s Truth, The Word as the Holy Spirit brings forth God’s anointing into her ministry.
Thank you so much for this message. this is what I went through waiting for the Holy Spirit to change me fill me and to wait for the time when I was ready for His use. Now I am moving in the gifts He has given me.
thank you for the confirmation.