HomeProphecyOccupy Until I Come!


Occupy Until I Come! — 2 Comments

  1. I was led to this verse today because the spirit has been leading and teaching me to claim the Kingdom that God has already won through Yeshua. Today I proclaim that and have been doing that literally for some days. Moreover he has given me much more in that he said where they do not acknowledge me as King – bring them before me and slay them. This has happened where I claimed the ground over a major hospital to set the captive free and heal the sick and release them from all bondage, curses and strongholds. They have resisted and today the Lord said now execute them in my name. This I did and I felt a great release in my spirit and the Spirit himself punched the air with me and host of others as he showed me the ground littered with the remains of the enemy.

    He then said google ‘occupy till I come’ – and your site came up with the words of confirmation from him, and words he has given me in secret for some time. He said I would be contacted not many days from now – I believe that contact has come from him to me through you.

    His Kingdom come

    William James

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