Now is the Hour of Gathering the Eagles
I heard The LORD speak to me once again — something that He seems to say quite often to me when He wants my full attention.
He certainly got my attention when He said, “Take heed how you hear! Open up your heart!
It is GATHERING of the EAGLES time and Strategic orders are being given and the results HINGE on total obedience.”
He continued to say, “Just as the hinges on a door require oil to swing open widely with ease, so does the door of your heart need the oil of willing obedience to take HEED.
I AM speaking to My Eagles. I AM sending orders to rise up! It is time to soar! Those who wait upon The LORD are receiving new strength, they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint.”
I can almost hear some saying, “Oh, I know that…!” but The LORD is saying, “Take heed to My Word. It is is not a new Word but a fresh command to understand what it means to “Mount up,” for until My Word becomes Rhema and personal to you, it is just another word in your head and not your heart.”
As I watched a recent video of an eagle mounting up, there is no way to describe the sound of the power behind those wings as these giant birds take off.
The look of determination and extreme focus in their eyes is awe inspiring and really gives new understanding to what it means to “MOUNT with wings like eagles….”
My heart is continually heavy as I pray for leaders and as I seek the heart of the Father for what is on HIS heart.
I am asking The LORD to open up the eyes of our understanding and remove the scales from our eyes that we would understand the power available to us.
We must learn to wait upon Him…. that we would embrace that powerful focus and receive the vision of the eagle’s eye and lift our wings and SOAR!
We are in a critical time of waiting upon Him and intentionally listening to Him.
I have been hearing The LORD contrast offense and defense, keeping offenses and knowing what to do but not truly embracing fully the freedom He has provided by changing the way we think.
These were the Words I heard: “Sometimes the speck in the other persons eye is made of the same material as the plank in your eye… that’s why you can see it..”..
The LORD pointed that out to me in 2008 after I the election. Now, as we stand before Him once again asking for revival, asking for restoration of all that is lost, as well as a healing for our land, I am once again finding myself thinking on these things and the things that paralyze our faith and keep us at a standstill in much of our spiritual warfare.
I realize now more than ever that, it really applies to all of us as we endeavor to walk hand in hand with a Holy God. We are active partakers in the return of Holiness unto The LORD.
Beloved, there are some things that are working death in us that we have allowed in and they have become so familiar with us that they are now a part of who we “think we are” and what we accept and think cannot be changed.
“I set before you life and death,” says The LORD. “Choose life. Many are asking for healing but agreeing with death.”
We cannot say one thing and act out another. We must THINK before we SPEAK. We must embrace the mind of Christ.
Although the bible instructs us in WHAT to think about, it is still our choice to apply it.
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, good report and if there is any virtue or anything praiseworthy — meditate on these things.
Change is here and we too must Change our thoughts.
Additionally, we are empowered by the Word to change the WAY we think or see things. i.e. our very perspective — from our perspective to HIS.
We must not be conformed beloved, but we must be transformed. Renewal starts with the renewed mind.
Assumption, presumption and opinions must not enter in as we see from and embrace the perspective of The LORD.
I certainly am not here to preach or judge anyone but to sincerely ask a question. When offenses come AND THEY WILL, if we allow offense to stay in our hearts, the next thing that usually follows is justification.
We must lift up the shield of Faith and allow no offense to be a roadblock to our walk of Faith.
When we defend our actions by simply responding out of feeling and human reasoning, or when we express our rights or our entitlement to be offended, we are giving our carnal mind the right of way and giving the enemy opportunity to destroy our lives.
The critical question is: How will we react when offense comes?
Will our reactions bring blessing, anointing, and the goodness of God or will they bring a curse?
We must guard your hearts, be careful what we hear, and watch with a single eye.
It is the hour of the Gathering Eagles! Mount up!
~ Sandi Holman
Sandi Holman of Matters of the Heart website was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions. Sword of The LORD Ministries came from a divine encounter with The LORD when He came into her prayer room and said, “I have come to put a sword in your hand and was given special instructions on how and when to use it.” She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor and Seer, Chaplain, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper, and Blogger who has also served as a Pastor Online with Beyond the Veil Ministries.
Phenomenal. Beautiful. Thank you sister.
I once heard a Christian counselor say that the difference between “making a judgement” and “judging” others is BITTERNESS. God has given us minds to be able to discern between good and evil, sin and Godliness. It is that moral consciousness that CS Lewis speaks of in Mere Christianity. Because we are fallen human beings our Only Hope is being Born from Above, and “BECOMING” New People, born of The Spirit and not the flesh. If we cling to thoughts of the flesh, The Renewing of our minds is grossly impeded. I think most of us who are on this web site are familiar with the many NT verses speaking about this transformation. I, myself, took a long time realizing that I had to make a continual, watchful, effort to NOT ACCEPT the thoughts that are contrary to the Word.(Remember, Eagles sore in The Heights, and have been given remarkable long distance eyesight, SEEING from an “Heavenly” vantage point to find their “prey” and swoop down on it for The Kill! Once I finally woke up to this fact it REALLY transformed The Way I think and view people. I still, with the Help of The Holy Spirit, and His Great Rhema Sword, continue to battle on, BUT with more and greater Victories! His Helmet of Salvation which is made of His Amazing Grace, also protects my mind and thoughts. I am coming into a greater Revelation of His Grace through a growing and deepening Love for Him, because He first Loved me!Jer 31:3. Not only is my Love for Him an offshoot of His Great Love towards me but also from His Great Faithfulness towards me all these years. This has strengthened and enlarged my Shield of Faith destroying the enemy’s lies. My Faith, The Faith He gave me, is NOW being ENERGIZED Through Agape. Gal 5:6, which, in turn, comes back to His Grace towards me, through repentance and receiving His Forgiveness daily because I KNOW HIS LOVE FOR ME, which sets me freer and freer!! Now, back to Bitterness. Ha.
Hebrews 12:15 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
15 Exercise foresight and be on the watch to look [after one another], to see that no one falls back from and fails to secure God’s grace (His unmerited favor and spiritual blessing), in order that no root of resentment (rancor, bitterness, or hatred) shoots forth and causes trouble and bitter torment, and the many become contaminated and defiled by it—
This Revelation of His Grace, Love, and Faithfulness has been healing to my heart and True Restoration of my soul. I am learning how to be as wise as a serpent but harmless as a dove. When wronged, etc., The Lord has been increasing His Mind and Heart in me towards those who have injured me and now I am more able, not 100% yet, to QUICKLY FORGIVE, and give Grace to and pray for my injurers. If God can change me He can change anyone, so I pray for that to happen. Oswald Chambers once said, paraphrasing, “if we are going to preach and teach about Grace, we need to be able to PRODUCE the Gracious goods.”
Is all bitterness out of my heart? Probably not.
Jer 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Again, that all falls back into The Hands of The Lord, and there I leave it. His tender care for me all these years has caused my trust in Him and His Dealings to create in me a greater Peace concerning His Work in me AND in others. Let us all grow in His Grace for ourselves AND in pouring out that Grace to others. Without it there is no Unity! The devil hates UNITY, and for Good Reason, but that’s another topic.
Eph 4:1-27
Ps 133
Jn 17:11,17-23