No Unlikely Choices
Dick Leggatt, President of Derek Prince Ministries – USA and this comprises his August 11, 2017 Newsletter. Click here to receive the Derek Prince Ministries emailed E-devotional.
Do you ever wonder if God made the right decision in choosing you? Couldn’t He find thousands of people more qualified and more capable?
Can the LORD really use ordinary people like you and me — with all our faults and limitations?
You have probably struggled with these kinds of thoughts, so please feel free to put them to rest. You’re not alone. Many Christians feel this way. Regularly, I think to myself, “If people knew how fallible I really am, they would probably throw me out of here!”
Here is the irrefutable fact: God has clearly chosen you and me. He knows exactly what we are like, warts and all. Remarkably, even with our many flaws, you and I are His deliberate choices for His plans and purposes.
I hope this letter will encourage you to embrace God’s call on your life — confirming that you and I are not unlikely choices.
God Uses Ordinary People
Recently, I was talking with my mother-in-law, Alice Basham, about the dynamic way God used her husband as a pioneer in the Charismatic Renewal that began in the mid-1960s.
We both marveled that, in many ways, Don Basham — though a close friend and colleague of Derek Prince — could have been regarded as an unlikely choice for such a leadership role.
When God called Don into ministry, he was enjoying a serene, successful career as a commercial artist. Even though he was a brilliant man, well-read, well-rounded (a musician, a sportsman, a family man with a robust sense of humor),
Don seemed somewhat unsuited for public ministry. For the most part, he was rather shy and retiring, averse to public speaking, not particularly gregarious, and uncomfortable with large crowds.
Yet what was the role God chose for Don Basham? The groundbreaking books Don wrote would inevitably thrust him into the public eye.
That venue would require him to do exactly what he dreaded — speaking before huge crowds of people and interacting with thousands in counsel and prayer — along with other activities well beyond his comfort zone!
Despite Our Protests
In his most honest moments, Don would have readily admitted he did not feel qualified for what God had called him to do. But the LORD, in His insistent mercy, ignored those protests.
He selected Don — seemingly an unlikely choice — and then pushed him beyond his own abilities and qualifications. He does the same with you and me.
Like Moses, we might question why God would choose us. See Exodus 3:11:
“Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?”
(Moses didn’t feel qualified.) Also, see Exodus 4:10:
“O my LORD, I am not eloquent, neither before nor since You have spoken to Your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.” (Moses didn’t feel capable.)
We see similar reservations from the Apostle Paul, even though he was brilliant, articulate, and well educated. In 1 Timothy 1:12–13 (NAS), Paul said:
“I thank Christ Jesus our LORD, who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, putting me into service, even though I was formerly a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent aggressor.”
Paul admitted to behavior that might have disqualified him — but the LORD used him anyway.
Earthen Vessels
What do we learn from the examples cited above (Don, Moses, and Paul)?
The key point you and I must acknowledge is that it’s not about us. Our usefulness to the LORD is not based on our qualifications, our capabilities, or our comfort levels.
Rather, 2 Corinthians 4:7 shows us the proper perspective:
”But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.”
You and I are earthen vessels. Some of us are more “earthen” than others. But that is how the LORD receives glory through our lives. He uses each of us — frail and flawed pieces of humanity though we may be — to accomplish His glorious, powerful purposes.
We don’t need to cringe at our faults or protest God’s choosing us. We simply need to present ourselves to the LORD and agree to let Him pour His treasure into us and out of us as He sees fit.
Can you take a moment right now to say YES to Him in this amazing process?
Grace in Weakness
In one of his seminal teachings, Derek Prince tied this entire process to the grace of God. In fact, the excerpt we have selected, which later incorporates the Scripture cited above, is from the second week of Derek’s three-week radio series on the topic of “Grace.”
“When we are weak we are strong, as we read in these words of Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9–10 (NIV): “God said to me [to Paul], My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore [Paul goes on] I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
When you feel weak, don’t be discouraged. In a certain sense, it is good to feel weak. Why? Because when you feel weak, you’re going to rely on the grace of God.
As a matter of fact, God’s grace is more easily manifested in those areas of our lives where we see our weakness than in those areas where we think we can handle the situation by ourselves.
There will come times when you feel weak and incapable. Don’t worry. Don’t give up. Just rely all the more on the grace of God — because God’s grace is offered to the weak.
Paul goes on to emphasize that this miraculous grace of God is always contained in earthen vessels, so we will remain continually dependent on grace. He states this in 2 Corinthians 4:7 (NAS): “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing greatness of the power may be of God and not from ourselves.”
So, as you go through the days we are in now, continually remember that you are just an earthen vessel. Don’t be upset by pressures, by problems, by trials. They’re bound to come. But they are just a way of reminding you that it is not you who is living but Jesus who is living in you.
You have this treasure in an earthen vessel. It is a weak vessel — but remember: God’s strength is made perfect in that weakness. All of this is designed to keep you relying more and more on the grace of God.”
In Spite of Mistakes
“Don’t give up. Continually remember that you are just an earthen vessel. Don’t be upset by pressures, by problems, by trials.” I would add one more point to what Derek said. Don’t be upset when you make mistakes or mess up. That is what His grace is all about.
With Derek’s encouraging words ringing in your ears, are you willing to offer yourself to be used by the LORD?
Are you willing to confirm that He has chosen you for His work and that you are ready to be used by Him — regardless of how unlikely a choice you consider yourself to be? If that is your desire, let’s express it now to the LORD in prayer.
LORD, I am about as earthen a vessel as You might ever find. I know all too well how many flaws, faults, and potential failures are part of my life and personality. Today, however, I take a step of faith, trusting in You more than in myself.
I confess my belief that You have chosen me, as unlikely as that may seem to me and those who know me. However, You have plans and purposes for my life that only I can fully accomplish. I don’t understand it, LORD. But I accept it by faith.
I affirm Your choice of me as Your servant. I declare that even though I am an earthen vessel, You can work in me and through me in a way that will bring glory to Yourself and Your Kingdom.
LORD Jesus, my heart’s desire is to be used by You in powerful and redemptive ways. I want my life to be useful in Your hands to bring life, freedom, and joy to every person I meet.
As improbable as it may seem, I declare that I am Your choice for the tasks that lie ahead of me.
Thank You, LORD, for choosing someone like me to be Your representative. I yield myself fully to You and Your will for my life. Amen.
Foundation for Your Future
This prayer of confirmation — that you are indeed God’s choice — is a major foundation stone for your future. You can build solidly on that bedrock, and we want to help.
Here at Derek Prince Ministries, we count it a great privilege to help you grow in your walk with Jesus Christ.
All of us who work at DPM are on that same path, and it brings us joy to encourage you, just as you encourage us. Some of the growth tools we can offer are the excellent materials of Derek Prince.
This month, you can receive the recording of Part 2 of Derek’s three-week radio series on “Grace.” We quoted only a portion of that teaching — but much more of it can be yours. Just use the download link below!
We are so grateful to be in contact with you on a regular basis. Your prayers and your financial contributions in support of the work we are doing are huge encouragements.
Thank you for standing with us in such a strong way. You are a great blessing to us!
Living as His Choice
It is hard to estimate the impact of the step you have taken in this letter, setting in place such a major foundation stone.
It may still be hard for you to believe that you are actually the LORD’s choice for His purposes — that He truly intends to use you. Frankly, it will take discipline for you to stand in that truth. But we encourage you to stand firm!
At times — especially when you have messed up or stumbled in so me way — you will be tempted to doubt or question that truth.
As Derek stated in his teaching, don’t give up! You and I must not let anything deter us from pressing forward for the sake of His glory.
As we close this letter, place a stake in the ground right now. Resolve that you will never again question God’s choice of you for His purposes.
Declare it each day from now on: “I am not a mistake. He has chosen me — and with Him, there are no unlikely choices!”
Audio PlayerListen on-line to Derek’s teaching, “Grace, Part 2.”
All the best,
Dick Leggatt
President, DPM–USA
P.S. Please accept our thanks again for your prayers and financial support. We are so grateful to you. Make sure to download Derek’s teaching, “Grace, Part 2.”
Materials used by kind permission of Derek Prince Ministries.
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