It Is No Secret!
There are those who truly hurt.
There are also those who hurt others and think nothing of it.
There are those who mock others and really have no clue what they are doing to themselves. They are smug within their chamber of “secrets” — but their walls are really made of glass.
They have clearly built their way into a culture that can be seen clear through. There are no boundaries for the ways they display their unvalorous depictions of the righteous.
They really want no boundaries to prevent them from being themselves.
The LORD Who Sees and the God Who Knows, has seen this through all time.
But, He has shown you, oh man, what is good; so what does The LORD require of you? To do Justly, to love Mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
Where does humility fit in to those who know no bounds? It only fits those who have it, it only fits those who have been transformed.
For it is in humility, and the fear of The LORD are riches, honor and life. The riches of His Kingdom, the honor of His Presence, and the Life of His dear Son.
Nothing is hidden from God’s sight. Jesus is the reason why forgiveness came. For where the Spirit of The LORD is, there is freedom.
When you are transformed by Him, then you will truly be free.
“When you are transformed by Him, your life will prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God,” Romans 12:1-2.
“Most assuredly I say unto you, except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God,” John 3:3, 3:16 NKJV.
God is about to expose those whose plans are done in secret.
It is no secret what God can do.
~ Thomas Downes
Thomas Downes. Walking with The LORD for over 40 years, Thomas runs “The Voice of the Writer” a Prophetic Ministry. His purpose is to present the Word of God and the Love of God with the prophetic heart; the heart that desires to hear the Voice of The LORD, and present His Word for the encouragement of others.
CONFIRMATION☝☝☝Thank YOU, LORD! Thank you PASTOR Thomas☝❌