New Heights of His Glory
“You will ascend into new heights of My Glory as you come into MY presence and spend TIME with Me,” says The LORD.
“THIS is the reward for those who diligently seek Me. I will give them new grace and favor that exceeds what they had before. I will show them things to come.
“I will give them revelation knowledge and wisdom and understanding and fill them with the fire of MY SPIRIT,” says The LORD.
“There is more for you to discover in My presence than you could ever imagine,” says The LORD.
“I will fill you with My grace and glory and astound you with the power of MY presence and glory. There is no boundaries, no limits and no end to what I can and will give you as you seek My face, press into My kingdom, and allow Me to be The LORD of your life.
“Time with me is not moments, for what you value, you will steward, and complacency will not be rewarded.
“Come and discover what you never had before as I will give you the hidden treasures of MY SPIRIT that cannot be purchased with silver or gold, but will be granted to those who seek ME with all their hearts, and spend continual, quality and quantity time with Me,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Beautiful. Thank you.
I feel very discouraged. No amount of time will ever be good enough. Not even if it were possible for someone to spend literally 2/7/365 would it be enough. Further if there are other rules required. It seems something that only the super Christians will ever get. Leaving the rest of us out.
Amen – Tusind Tak til Himlens Kongesøn