Neither Have Ye Brought Again…
Neither Have Ye Brought Again… that which was driven away.
“The diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost; but with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them,” Ezekiel 34:4.
If you truly desire to move as the Spirit wishes to move, you are always on call.
At the most unexpected moment, when you might least expect it, He speaks to you, and you follow.
This is one of those times. He know’s exactly what He wishes to say, and the precise time He wants it to be said.
Neither have ye sought, that which was lost….. I know the topic; it was given to me a couple of days ago.
Let me share this first; as humbly as I know how. I never write one word, until I have first gotten down on my face and said some things to the Holy Spirit of God.
I tell Him that I am not worthy that He should use me in any kind of way. I also tell Him, that I would rather die right this moment, than to offend Him in any way whatsoever. And I mean that with everything totally within me.
We dare not attempt to share God’s glory, although it appears that many appear to do just that these days. In this end-time, we are in the midst of today, we will accomplish nothing, without the genuine fear of the LORD.
That doesn’t seem to shake many of us; not as it once did.
Perhaps it might come to us, that there has been enough show going on; we’ve about seen it all now.
I was reminded that Paul said, that He came in the power and demonstration, of the Holy Ghost.
What about those that were driven away?
Ezekiel was speaking exactly what God said for him to speak. There is no doubt that souls were driven out from among us; for much less than what we see going on now.
Did we really think that God was going to forget that? That the church would not be held accountable?
Do we even think anymore about just how many precious souls have lain broken and remained crushed all these years? No phone calls, no visits, no longer even mentioned.
The Spirit, has stepped in to deal with us now.
Does anyone even wonder, just where many of us would be, if Jesus had not come looking for us?
The word “restore,” does not even resound in many places anymore. Sometimes, I think that word does not mean much to us, unless we happen to be one of the ones that desperately need it.
People were pushed out and destroyed over things that are not even seen as scriptural today; not even heaven or hell issues. We have discarded folk; left them alone; prey to the world of wolves.
Jesus is coming soon. But, He is not coming for some of us.
Did we ever really love one another as He said we should? Is He not the true Shepherd?
Was it not He that said, “leave the ninety and nine, and go search for the one lost sheep”?
It seems that many are safe in the fold, or should we say, in the building. But how many went out searching for lost lambs today?
Many of those lost, died. They died without our help. They left this world, thinking nobody loved them; not a soul.
We’re not going to heaven without finding these people.
I know that sounds harsh, but that is the word that I am hearing from the Lord today.
I’ve got to change. Though yet tired and weary, I must ask Him to help me find them.
I want to go home; don’t you? But I can’t leave them behind.
God, stir us once more in the deepest part of our heart.
Didn’t Jesus find some of us? He found me, just in time.
Please help me look for them, won’t you?
I hear them crying. I have to find them!
~ Robert Blackburn
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