National Advertising or Repentance?
I had asked The LORD for a Word on this Yom Kippur… This is what I heard Him say:
“What kind of Christian are you?
Are you an American Christian, a European Christian, an Indian Christian, a Chinese Christian? A Polish Christian?
Did the early Christians have Churches made up of walls of ethnicity or nationalism?
Don’t you know that The Law of Love breaks down all the walls of this world?
Don’t you know that Nationalism is just a form of pride?
You are members of My Army, no matter what country you live in. Your heart should be set on heaven, not on the things of this earth.
I AM not aligned with this country or that country. I created the whole world and all peoples. My heart is concerned for all Nations, and all people.
I want them all to know My Love and My Mercy. I want them to know about Grace.
How can you teach them Grace, when you take up arms to defend a nation that has disgraced itself among the nations?
I have called you to repentance. However, many of you have remained ignorant of exactly what you need to repent of!
So I will tell you on this Day of Atonement. This is the day for Repentance and Reevaluating is it not?
So it seems appropriate for you to Repent for this Nation, if you want Mercy on this Nation.
I want you to Repent for those who have lifted their heads to build a system of government that goes into the skies, like Babel.
I want you to Repent for the corporate greed and avarice, the lies, the murder and stealing that has gone on.
I want you to Repent for the corrupt practices of your own government in dealing with other Nations.
I want you to Repent for all manner of lying and deception perpetrated by a government that claims to represent Me, but does quite the opposite of what My Word says.
Did I say that usury is sin or acceptable?
Did I say that murdering those who oppose you, is acceptable or sin?
Did I say that stealing homes, buildings, inventions, art, and land is acceptable?
Did I say it was right to lie or did I call it an abomination?
Did I not say that all liars will have their place in The Lake of Fire?
This Nation was built on the backs of many good people and many bad people.
This nation was divided from the beginning, and now those roots are rearing their heads again and you will see a distinct difference between those with compassion and love, and those with self at the helm.
Repent of your pride America!
There has been much deception and lies that have pervaded the Church, and this Nation and the world.
Repent for this, My People.
Repent for the Church becoming apathetic and complacent to those things I care for!
Repent for the witchcraft you see in your Nation.
Repent for those caught up in this darkness, that there may be intervention to their release.
So many of you disdain what you see, but you don’t see the power of My Blood to heal these things that are troubling you!
I AM not weak nor impotent to change anything if a Nation will turn to Me and Repent. I have seen a trickle of what needs to be repented of.
Hatred and violence grows unchecked because of apathy. Did you know that apathy is sin?
Think on it! Apathy means to not care about something or others. If you don’t care if someone lives or dies, then you are guilty of murder.
For you do nothing to speak up. You do nothing to advance The Kingdom when you are apathetic.
How can you be passionate for Me, and not passionate for what I care about?
Can you see? Can you see that this great apathy is what is eroding America?
You think, “It won’t happen to me….” or “Glad that wasn’t my son!” But do you pray with confidence that I can change things?
I tell you that I AM a God of Justice.
I AM a God concerned for Justice.
There is much in My Word on Justice — and one is that when a people turn their backs to Me, there is no Justice in the land.
If every one of you would take even one other person, or two other persons to focus your prayers on, imagine how much could be accomplished!
Instead — you delegate prayer to “Intercessors”.
If I was an intercessor, and I AM your role model, then why is it prayer is delegated to Intercessors?
“Intercessor” to Me spells intimacy. So do you really want to be intimate with Me?
Do you really have a relationship like you boast of? Or are you walking in delusion?
A praying Christian is an intimate Christian. Intimacy with me is what Christianity is supposed to be about.
Don’t you know that I pay attention to your every word and thoughts?
You have freedom, because of the death of My Son to enter, into The Holy of Holies, not just once a year like the high priest on the Day of Atonement, but daily, if you so want!
My Beloveds, do not take this for granted, especially now when the storms are brewing, and escalation is upon you of the evil schemes of evil men and women.
If you want the walls of Freemasonry and Witchcraft to fall down, then Repent, for it in this Nation in your prayers this day.
And watch what I do, if you will do this! Watch the news! Watch and see if I will not tear down the ramparts of the enemy!
Come to Me, Beloveds, and Repent daily for those things you are convicted of.
Do not put aside the intimate time with Me.
Do not delay coming to Me.
Justice is at hand, and so is your God of Justice coming in this hour to render what each man is due.
The Day of The LORD is soon upon this world.
Wake up oh sleepers, and rise from your state of somnolence!
Arise and shine, for The Glory of The LORD is soon upon you in greater measure than you can imagine!
Repent, so that you may receive the fullness of what I have for you.
Do not allow mixture in what you do.
Don’t come against those who lie, and then lie yourself.
Don’t judge others, when you know apart from My Grace, you would not be capable of obedience.
Do not look down on other ethnic groups or Nations as if they were less than you!
Repent of your prejudices and your pride!
Throw off the old man and put on the new man.
Lay aside the compromise, and cling to Me Beloveds!”
First published: October 2, 2006.
~ Priscilla Van Sutphin
PRISCILLA VAN SUTPHIN is the founder of Upstream Ministries, California, online at and Upstream. Email: For Donations: send to ‘Priscilla Van Sutphin’ on envelope, but to Upstream if chk at 15660 Tustin Village Way #27, Tustin CA 92780 or or Zelle thru using
Yes Lord! Amen.
AMÉN; AMÉN; AMÉN; as ♥♥♥HIS WILL MUST BE DONE♥♥♥ for “The GODLY COVENNANT Creation” toward us.. for everlasting never ending. SELAH..!
DT 7.9
PS 86.15
ex 19.1-11
GN 9.11
1 JN 4
HEB 13.9-21
1 CO 13
LK 22.1-20
IS 54.1-10
JB 31
RV 1
1 JN 4.9-19
1 PT 4