My Wrap-Up for Our Feasts of Tabernacles
I want to share one last thing before I go quiet again…
I was so blessed with confirmations at the service for the Feasts of Tabernacles.
The LORD used Rabbi Cahn to confirm so many things The LORD has been pressing on me for this season. It just continues to prove that the true Body is on one accord.
One of the things he said was that there is a call for the true Bride to return to the Book of Acts (the first century church), and how much Hebraic history and revelation has been removed due to translations and denominations.
I’ve bore witness to this over the years, but even more so now. And through this process I have found so many unwilling to be cultivated due to religious routine and traditions.
Many are quick to stamp the term “legalism” on to everything that is outside of their routine, without realizing that the traditions they’re defending are rooted in paganism.
As I’ve told the ministry groups that I oversee; it’s not necessarily a salvation issue here (though it could be for some), but at what cost are you closing your ears and dismissing what The LORD is beckoning in this season?
The closer we draw to Him, the less we are of this world. Yet so many choose to continue to play in the tar pits — instead of soaring with eagles.
There is a remnant rising in this hour: a call that I am seeing many answer from around the globe.
Nevertheless, I am also witnessing a great falling away within The Churches.
However, there’s a third side I also want to make known: it is those who have become stuck.
I’m seeing many believers, including leadership become stuck (come to a standstill, or a plateau).
They’re stuck because they are unwilling to continue to grow (some have subconsciously fallen into an “I’ve arrived” mentality, which is pride).
This is mostly with the middle-aged and older generation, who were raised with a certain perception of Christianity that worked for that time.
However, now they’re finding it hard to draw people, keep relationships, and reach the lost.
This is not because the Word of God itself has changed, no, but one does need to evaluate their method of delivery and perception of God, of whom you cannot put in a box.
When The LORD told me thirteen years ago that He was going to anoint me to teach, He stated that in order for me to remain a teacher, I must always remain a student. For the moment I stopped being a student, I would no longer be anointed to teach.
This is why the anointing has left many; with some being replaced with familiar spirits, may I add. Others have found themselves in a cycle of the same teachings with no new revelation.
Even worse, many Christians who are oblivious to the repeated cycles, gorge themselves on things that gain no efforts in heaven.
This why we find people sitting in the same church, doing the same things, with no new testimony for ten, twenty, or even thirty years.
In closing, I want to quote Malachi 4:6;
“And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.” Malachi 4:6
There is a turning that is happening; it is a return to the original state.
In Hebrew it’s called תשובה ‘teshuvah’. Remember that many are called, but few are chosen.
Will you open your heart to receive what the Spirit of The LORD is saying in this season?
Shabbat Shalom
~ Mena Lee Jones
Faithful Walk Healing Ministries
Mena Lee Jones of Faithful Walk Healing Ministries operates in the office of a prophet, ministers, counsels, mentors and prays for anyone who is in need of Christ’s eternal love. Her purpose is to bring His {Jesus Christ} truth and light to a lost generation.
We are the sukkot (booths or temporary shelters). The Holy Spirit dwells within our short lives (1 Corinthians 6:19) and He gives us new life:
Now, if anyone is enfolded into Christ, he has become an entirely new creation. All that is related to the old order has vanished. Behold, everything is fresh and new. – 2 Corinthians 5:17 (TPT)
The first time I tried to build a tabernacle, it started leaning over during the feast. So I purchased an arch that gardeners install in their gardens. I assemble it inside our church and it doesn’t lean over. When the arches are installed in people’s gardens, English roses can grow on the frames. When the arches are covered with flowers, marriage ceremonies can take place under the arches. The bride of brides will marry the groom of grooms.
Thank you prophet!
This was a blessing!
It’s interesting that you mention the Jewish feasts! I find myself desiring to know and understand more. Realizing that as gentile believers we have been grafted in. These are something we should look into and practice to some extent, as the Lord leads. Not in a legalistic way either. But my question is shouldn’t we want to grow and understand these things! As gentile believers, we, myself including have been ignorant of all that God has for us! It’s well past time to grow in our understanding. God would not have us remain ignorant! Thank you for your wisdom. And sharing these words.
Oh amen! God began to re-train me just a few years ago. I had to unlearn and then learn what His desire for the body really is. It’s all in the book of Acts. It hit me like might rushing River and hasn’t stopped. I was gifted beautiful teen girls discipleship ministry and we did and taught those first commandments. For 2 years God moved through me in ways I never dreamed! Sadly it was abruptly ended a few months ago when the establishment leaders in that church asked me to leave for being “over spiritual”. I don’t know what’s next, but my heart breaks for the condition of the church. Many are so blind. :(
Overly spiritual?? As in LIVING the commands and statutes of God? Teaching young ladies to “do” and not just “say” or label themselves in order to identify with a particular crowd? . I pray that all that is of Him that was imparted in those 2 years bears fruit for His Kingdom!