HomeProphecyMy Spiritual Storm Riders Are Rising!


My Spiritual Storm Riders Are Rising! — 5 Comments

  1. I love it!! So Good!!
    This word lines up beautifully with
    ‘Breaking of The Outer Man And The Release of The Spirit’ by Watchman Nee. I’ve listened to the audio and plan to again.
    The “outer man” must die as a seed fallen to the ground, the “outer” referring to the skin of the seed which when “broken” allows the seedling to emerge and push through the soil and reach to the heavens.
    I tell you it’s not a pretty process. For me it cost me everything!! Daily I listen as jezebel continues to demand that I put makeup back on and starve myself for the temporary (hellish) applause of a world bent on extreme perversion. The mirror on my bathroom wall has literally lost its luster, but the beauty within of that seed of obedience to “All Or Nothing” is exquisite in His Eyes….and that’s enough…more than enough for me!!
    God bless you beautiful lady!! I’m praying daily for you and our new “Sister State” The United Kingdom!! :D

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