My Romance With the King
During this time of the unknown, so many are trying to see in the natural which can only be discerned in The Spirit.
We all have had times of growth when we wanted to go higher, but were experiencing painful times that seemed like would never end.
As I began to envision my romance with my King, The LORD spoke to me once again, “As we dance the dance of our romance, you shall awaken from the trance of much deception regarding your past!”
He then continued to speak about the future. He said, “‘Daughter, these first few months of 2025, I AM removing the difficult struggles from yesterday and I AM sending out an invitation to all to come and snuggle with their King.
I AM pouring out an invitation to intimacy that will wipe away the tears of regret and sorrow of the losses of last year.”
I gave this Word the title ‘My Romance with the King’, because I fell in love with Him at any early age and loved hearing the stories of Jesus — but never realized it was the beginning of a dance into the unknown and the beauty of the dance was his means to my advance.
I believe many people in this hour are in just such a time at this very moment.
I believe most are just a bit uncomfortable with the unknown.
I once shared my story of my early childhood but somehow felt to share a few pieces now.
My career as a child model began at age 4 and so did my dancing career. Little did I know that The LORD had staged this as a means to an end.
I am only 5’2” [157cm ]tall and have to stand on my tiptoes to reach some things that are up higher but as a very young girl, it was amazing to me how many times I felt as though I was standing on my “TIPTOES” trying to reach The LORD and go up higher but what a beautiful DANCE it has been.
What a Romance it has been from the beauty and innocence of what ‘young love’ looks like to the special intimacy I have with Him now.
Romantic, yes, I never know what He has in mind when He reaches for me morning by morning in the quietness of my heart.
Have you ever felt that some people were spiritual giants and you were doing all you could to just stand on your tiptoes to get up to them?
Or to arrive at where you thought they were or better still trying to measure up to a certain standard.
Beloved, we cannot measure where we are going or what we are reaching for by where others are standing.
Many times we are being led to be content in the place we are called to stand. I remember being so anxious to move forward and I felt stuck.
But that was the beginning of my learning what it means to ‘wait on The LORD’.
Much can be attained when we just stand still and wait on The LORD.
Having dancing as my only profession in my early adult years and as I said, it was literally the one I was groomed for since I was 4 years old upward to my first career as a professional dancer, dance teacher and choreographer.
So many memories flooded my heart with deep understanding as I saw this picture.
It spoke such volumes to me in the natural but now looking at where I am today, I realized what a parallel picture I was seeing.
It spoke so perfectly into places I have walked and many others as well as we learn to walk in The Spirit.
He is always stretching us, building strength, developing spiritual muscles. He has His timeline and has a record of our growth day by day.
For me, discipline has been His focus from the very beginning of practicing dancing and teaching dancing to others.
I so often quote the scripture from Hebrews 12, that has kept me ‘in line’ so many times.
“For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” Hebrews 12:11 ESV.
For me, that moment, was my moment of choice! I must choose it in order to live a disciplined life in any and all areas.
Romancing the King is learning how unique we are as He celebrates who we are and allows us to understand we don’t need to measure up to anyone’s standard or position or standing.
He assures us we each have a gift and a call. What a SAVIOR!
- It was never about the ballet — but about the discipline.
- It was never about the performance — but the dance.
- It was never about the Relevé i.e. a rise to the toes from the flat foot in ballet dancing — but about when to rise up and when to stay.
- It was never about the Pirouette which relates to a 360 degree turn around or “whirl” around — it was about coming full circle.
Over time, I have learned that many times a pirouette was only a complete turn to take me to a new place and when I was learning it in the natural, I was taught to “SPOT” (fix my gaze on the direction I would be turning) before I did the pirouette.
In the end, I realized The LORD was teaching me the importance to Fix my Focus.
The LORD was training me even then to have a SINGLE EYE.
So much understanding was birthed in my heart when I realized HE alone was my Dance Master and Master of the Dance.
He alone Romanced me as I embraced every detail. He never wasted one instruction, one detail while He was training me to “Dance with Him” in a fine Romance.
Every pain, every gain, every bow, every turn, every stretch, every dream had a purpose in His plan.
Beloved, the ballet performs a story. All the time He was writing my story, one pirouette at a time…
~ Sandi Holman
Sandi Holman was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions. Sword of The LORD Ministries came from a divine encounter with The LORD when He came into her prayer room and said, “I have come to put a sword in your hand and was given special instructions on how and when to use it.” She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor and Seer, Chaplain, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper, and Blogger who has also served as a Pastor Online with Beyond the Veil Ministries.
Oh, how I would love to join the chorus of those haveing reached the point to be so intimately connected to HIM. I am too but „snuggling with Jesus or the Father, or even dancing with Him, – is still soo far away from experiencing!………
I have often wondered how the feet of those dancers would look like, Sandi!!! That‘s brutal! How can anyone do this to their feet, even decades long?????
Great to hear from you Dorothea, yes it was many years ago and it was a bit painful at first but you got used to it after a while…my favorite was tap dancing and Jazz. I have so come to realize that my relationship with the Lord has gone through many stages and looking back on it, I have come to realize it has been a journey coming to know him as savior, healer, friend, lover etc. All I can say is I am forever grateful. You are in my prayers, dear one. In His everlasting love, Sandi
This is amazing Sandi and I totally understand. I have known the Lord for a long time and loved Him but these last 3 years I have fell so totally in love with Him I always tell Him there is no earthly words to let Him how I feel but I always say I love You more then anything and He knows my heart. To be romanced by the King is the greatest thing ever. Oh and I am 5ft tall so I understand the short thing. Hugs Pam
Pam, it is just an ongoing, on-growing gift He offers us, isn’t it? What a patient, loving Lord we are privileged to serve, love, and interact with. I said 5’2″, but my husband says I have shrunk as I got older, and when he measured me to prove his point yesterday, I was only a little over 5’1″… lol! Nevertheless, it is what it is! It is a grand romance! Hugs and blessings, Sandi
Sandi, so edifying to a deeper revelation of the Lord’s heart enriching word you bring today through the breeze of God’s Spirit. I experience the stilling of our hearts and joyful anticipation when we can come in the assurance of God’s love to His throne, sit at the Lord’s feet and hear His whispers and allow Him to write the story of our life through immersion in His healing and cleansing waters transforming our inner man into to god Yes, our Bridegroom invites us and calls us to his heart. May all our attention be fixed entirely on Jesus. Thank you for your precious heart of praise and gratitude. God bless you
What a joy to read your edifying words that always send the beauty of God’s heart to me. I can almost hear Him whispering to you about what is on His heart. It is so refreshing for me to hear that blessed assurance that what He shared with me was life-giving and encouraging to those who read it. God richly bless you, my brother. Just know that your pen flows so beautifully to express God’s heart. I am forever grateful, Sandi
That was beautiful!
You are beautiful Miss Sandi!
I appreciate your heart, dear Marc, and how the Lord has been molding and making you to carry His heart as you endeavor to keep your heart with all diligence. I receive your kind words with great joy. He alone is beautiful beyond description, too marvelous for nothing ever seen or heard. It has been beautiful for me to watch God as He raises you up to carry on where I leave off. In His everlasting love and peace, Sandi