My Promises
“I do not make promises to you, just to bait you and entice you and fill you with false hope and disappointment,” says The LORD.
“Others may break their promises to you. But I cannot.
“Others may deceive you and break your heart, but I will not.
“They may extract from you and rob you, but I AM not the thief.
“I AM not the liar. I do not give empty, unproductive promises that will not be kept.
“For My promises are true. I AM faithful to keep them. I will not change My mind or My heart of love for you. For you can be assured that if I said it, if I promised it to you, then you will have every right to expect it, and receive it,” say The LORD.
“Never waver in your faith,” says The LORD. “For your faith pleases me. Take courage in My Word.
“Take comfort in MY love! For I AM the Father of all mercies, and I will comfort you.
“I will pour out My blessings upon you, and My Spirit will be in you. You need not fear that I will forget My Promises, for I cannot!
“I watch over My Word to perform it for you, says The LORD, and everything will be done exactly as I said, for there will not be One thread of blessing missing that I have spoken, and everything will be fully accomplished and granted for you, and you will embrace it as you have expected it and trusted in Me,” says The LORD.
First Published: July 23, 2017.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Yeah well, only time will tell if you do or not haha and you got three big things on my I bet; God comes through because; I did my best or not and was polite when I felt like bing pissed, not cause im counting on Him. I believe for lifes best and do get what but whp says it lasts forever? Love your puppy one day it is taken from you.
My roughing it life style is why im not effected permanently from all the ups and downs of life. He could and HAS baited me or switcheroo me or played massive musical chairs in my life. But He has surprised me with a lot of super surprises. So Yeah im not just counting on it im doing my side and then would be let down but there are rows to try again.
Amen and Amem.