My Light and Life in You
“I will light up your life, with the light of My countenance and glory,” says the LORD.
“You will not walk in darkness and defeat, for My Kingdom is light and life. You are a child of the day, and not of the night.
I have separated day from night, and light from the darkness, and I have separated YOU!
You belong in My Kingdom, surrounded by My Glory, and empowered and equipped with My Holy Spirit and My Fire.
Put on the armor of light, and let it penetrate you, and become you,” says the LORD.
“For the light in you and around you cannot be extinguished by the dense darkness in the world that can even be felt,” says the LORD.
“Let not oppressive darkness and depression envelop you, but be light, and penetrate the darkness with My light in you.
Let the fire of My Holy Spirit be ignited in you, as you stir up the gift of My Holy Spirit in you, and let it become a raging inferno of My glory.
Many waters cannot put out the fire of My Spirit, and as you allow My fire in you to be rekindled, you will be set ablaze with My Fire and Glory, and revival fire that is in you will spread throughout the land,” says the LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.