My Dependency Upon God Reveals My Humility
My Dependency Upon God Reveals My Humility and My Willingness to Seek The LORD and Not to Compete With Him!
To be dependent upon something means that you are self reliant upon them for your needs and their assistance in every way.
Because without them you can not accomplish whatever task it is that God is giving you in this season.
In this season, I believe that God is taking away the props that many of us have become reliant upon and He is saying, “I want you totally place your trust in me!” Because, with faith it is impossible to please God!” (Hebrew 11:6)
I believe that God is saying that this type of dependency has become away of control for the Church and so He knows that if he takes away this variable of control in your life it will increase your faith and cause the Church to step out on His word, instead of the things that we feel comfortable in doing because it is a familiar place!
Just because it is familiar doesn’t mean that it is God People! The Bible says,
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God,” (Romans 8:14)
“Trust in The LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight,” (Proverbs 3: 5-6)
For example, during his reign over Judah, King Asa was confronted by two crises that tested his dependence on God.
In the first instance, he relied on The LORD, Who delivered him and his kingdom from being destroyed by a “huge host.”
In the second instance, however, he turned to the king of Syria for help (2 Chronicles 16:7-9). And, you might think to yourself why would he do this? Had he learned nothing from his first victory with God!
However, It is possible that in the second campaign, the thought of relying on God did not even occur to Asa because he felt this was such a simple task, and why acknowledge The LORD?
But, as I begin to look and examine the story I believe it was also a prideful heart because he had been successful in the past and so why would he not be now!
You see, flesh always wants to rise up when it needs to lay down! A spirit of humility will cause us to lay down and become dependent upon the Creator rather than what He has created; other resources.
However, King Asa probably felt (He thought rather than acknowledging God; firsthand) since this challenge was not as great as the previous occasion and, besides, there was enough gold in “the treasuries of the house of The LORD and of the king’s house” to lure Syria into a treaty and provide him protection he was doing the right thing, (2 Chronicles 16:2-4).
Isn’t that like a person who has self serving motives and agendas always thinking about themselves rather than God.
Just as King Asa did. Also, when all was said and done, his strategy worked. As long as Asa had the resources and cleverness to manage the situation on his own, why bother God with it?
Help us Holy Ghost! Some of us think that it is all about what we have, our abilities, our education, our gifts and talents; as well as our wealth, but in this season I hear The LORD saying the variables shall be removed!
Those things you feel will work for you are going to be like unto a broken cistern that can hold no water!
What Asa missed, however, is that it was God’s desire and will that Judah trust Him. God wants to involve Himself in every aspect of the lives of His people.
He did not covenant with them to be present only in emergencies, but to dwell among them, to be their God and for them to be His people.
God desires that we should live in a real, moment-by-moment, total dependence on Him. Because, with faith it is impossible to please God!” (Hebrew 11:6)
Many Christians fall into the trap of presumption — guessing. In fact, this was the source of Paul’s frustration with the “foolish” Galatians, “Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?” (Galatians 3:3).
When we become dependent upon God we trust him in the time of emergencies and it is the realization that apart from God, we realize that we cannot presume even our next breath let alone where our next meal will come from.
Dependence sees God as being everything; presumption sees Him merely as a resource (you only Follow when you have too) for dealing with crises.
Dependence is an expression of both humility and faith; presumption is an act of both selfishness and pride, (2 Chronicles 25:19; 26:16).
Dependence is confidence in God to assist you in helping to get the job done; presumption trusts the arm of flesh.
But, dependency surrenders, and humbles the need to control everything; (to have it your way) presumption attempts to seize God’s throne.
Presumption is ambitious and always wants to raise its ugly head to be competitive with our dependency upon God!
~ Apostle Geraldine Fisher
Apostle Geraldine Fisher has a World-Wide-Social Media Net-Work Ministry. As a Missionary, God moved her into the Office of a Prophet, revealing to her the qualities of a True prophet, humility, humiliation, loving others, interceding in prayer, as she keeps her own life clean to accurately hear from God. Since hearing the audible voice of God calling her to ministry, she’s been called to intercede and pray for others in ministry as God speaks, instructs, directs and gives prophetic words for her to give to others. God promised He would bring her to sit and to learn before great men, all of which He did!
This is so true, it has begun God is taking away relationships, people to separate from and everyone that just would hinder you in anyway. He did it to me and I have been happier, more peaceful and I am able to concentrate on my relationship with the Lord, my friend and talk to Him all day long. Who needs people? I certainly don’t, I am at peace with my Lord and I can trust only Him, I can ask Him anything and He answers me.
I never saw pride in this fashion but you are absolutely right pride does cause us to compete with God. I guess we take a lot for granted when it comes to the flesh. This is truly an eye opening experience and very profound word in this season. I will take it to heart and ask God to increase my faith in him so my flesh want compete.
Thank you for such an awesome and profound word