HomeProphecyMy Bride is Crossing Over to Her New Day!


My Bride is Crossing Over to Her New Day! — 13 Comments

    • Thanks so much Deborah. I am so glad you received and confirmed. You are very welcome. God’s richest blessings to you as you press on, Sandi

  1. Oh my goodness Lord, You are SOO GOOD!!
    This is really such an amazing confirmation to what I’ve been sensing myself Sandi. I have to admit, I was just sharing with the Lord today, I believe a have a touch of PTSD. There’s grown an expectation of bullying from the constant attacks, night and day for many years. But in spite of all of that, I’ve never in my life had more hope and peace. I’ve forgiven these people, and there are many. (I can completely empathize with President Trump)!!
    But in the Fire He’s preparing a Remnant to usher in the Kingdom of God upon the Earth.
    I’ve come to find that the Cloak of
    Humility is an absolute must!!
    God bless your beautiful heart Sandi!! :)

    • Oh happy day, happy day, dear Cherish..He is an on time GOD and your day of stepping up is here. It is time to hit a home run, girlfriend. You are blessed and anointed of God for such a time as this! xoxo Sandi

  2. I believe it, declare it and receive it.  I’ve been praying for the Lord to move in me!  Thank you Jesus!  Thank you Sandy!

    • Yes, Sheila it shall be established! You are so very welcome. His timing is perfect and He is always on time. Blessings, Sandi

  3. HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I BELIEVE IT!!!!!
    I RECEIVE IT!!!!!

    • And to you, my friend, Marc, I am singing Hallelujah alongside of you and thanking Jesus for being our wonderful Bridegroom. He has a way of making each day a Honeymoon. You are welcome and so very blessed. What a friend, what a savior, HE is our Everything! Grateful to be HIS..Sandi

  4. When God said He is breaking the cycle of going in circle, I receive the understanding of a plane circling in the air till the the air controller give green light for landing, either due to fog or busy traffic below.
    Shaneika Byars shared on Feb 25,’24: “You’re going to receive a once in a lifetime generational blesssing. …this blessing was lying dormant in your family lineage bec there was no one else in your family that served LORD Jesus Christ wholeheartedly to receive it. ..You broke the generational curse in your family…You are going to receive a seven-fold blessing this year!

    • Thank you Jene for sharing your confirmation. Out of the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses let everything be established. God bless you as you move forward! Sandi Holman

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