HomeProphecyMore Powerful Prophetic Signs for the Hour and Season!


More Powerful Prophetic Signs for the Hour and Season! — 3 Comments

  1. Along the lines of this prophetic word I believe the jab has something to do with this: ai in conjunction with all the nanoparticles in jab. I think it has something to do with the Antichrist sitting in the temple of God declaring himself as God. That’s how they’ll believe he is god because they will actually hear him in their brain. I’m not saying the jab is the mark, I think it was the groundwork laid in order for him to act as though he is supernatural.

  2. He who has eyes to see let him see.  The signs are indeed everywhere.  Thank you for all you do.  Great change is coming.  Buckle up!  Armor up!  Shields up and swords ready!  People will be looking for an answer, for hope.

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