More Fire
“Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before The LORD.” And behold, The LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before The LORD, but The LORD was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but The LORD was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but The LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.” 1 Kings 19:11-12.
I keep returning to these verses time and time again. I regularly stand on the mountain before The LORD, because He has so much to say to us at this time and I just don’t want to miss any of it!!
Hear what I hear The LORD saying today through His Word: “I send the wind before Me to blow away the cobwebs, to clear away the debris from your lives.
My Wind brings change — change for the better, for your good and benefit. Change that will fit you for My Purposes for the coming season.
There is a shaking already started and it will continue until My Word is fulfilled. That is that “Everything that can be shaken will be shaken.”
Many houses will fall in this shaking because they are mans houses not Mine,” says The LORD.
“Many houses have been built for mans satisfaction and profit. These houses I will utterly destroy.” says God. “All that remains standing will be of Me, built for My Glory.
I will send My Fire to burn up all the dross. Then I will send My Fire to be carried by the Wind over the shaken places in order to reignite The Fires of Revival once again.
I will set My Fiery zeal in your people, especially your young people, and they shall, like My servant Wesley, gather people for miles around who come to wretch them burn.
Then, once My Wind has cleared the rubbish and revealed the dross,” says The LORD, “once the earthquake of My Shaking has shaken all that needs to be shaken, and once My Holy Spirit Fire has ignited revival, then you shall be led by My still small Voice.
You shall hear Me in the stillness of the night. In your meetings, amid the clamour of worship, My still small Voice shall be heard and spoken and My People shall fall down in praise and worship, bringing great glory before My Throne.”
The Glory of His Presence shall once again fill our meetings. It has started, and I’ve seen it in my spirit.
You too shall see it soon — very soon — in your meetings, as He sends Holy Spirit in Revival.
Updated from 2017
~ Chris G. Bennett
Chris Bennett came to salvation in 1962 but didn’t begin ministry until 2007 — a late-comer! Now mandated by The LORD to prophesy and open old wells of revival in the U.K., but especially in Wales. He has also operated Healing Rooms, and worked with deliverance teams, all with his wife, Linda. Happily now doing whatever The LORD asks of them! Founder, with wife Linda, of their ministry The Upper Room Encounter.
Thank you Chris, Praying to hear and distinguish The father’s voice above my own, and ALL others Always.
A couple of years before covid, God gave me a dream that I was in a ship and there was a huge storm. I cried out to the Lord and he appeared in the prow of the ship, shining bright & with arms outstretched (like the statue in Rio de Janeiro). Suddenly, I was safe on shore, but there was much devastation. Newer houses & buildings built near the quay & waters edge, were all damaged & destroyed. Meanwhile the older buildings built back from the edge with more traditional materials & methods had all survived. I shared this with my pastor but he did not think it was appropriate to share.
Almost all hear that it is coming but will you be able to stand when it does. The little breeze blowing now is just a hint at what is about to happen. Even if I told you most still would not believe. Even so the fire is about to fall.