Ministry is Warfare, not showmanship
Sometimes people are trying to enter warfare zones in which they are incapable of fighting.
Many times they try to engage the enemy with their gifts, but no power, authority or release.
We are bringing people into positions of strong battles, who are amateurs and are half suited in their armor. It is nonsense to invite somebody into a gun fight, who only knows how to use a knife.
Some people don’t understand the seriousness of warfare battles and fights with the enemy. The enemy is happy when we make statements that show that we are not equipped for what we are about to encounter.
We have to make sure that we have no unforgiveness, no open doors of sin, no hidden unrepentant sins or iniquities. We need to learn warfare deliverance. How to properly cast out demons. How to bind and loose the proper way, to close the demonic doors so the spirits can’t enter back in.
- We need to know how to access the heavens in prayer and intercession; how to recognize demonic spirits from the works of the flesh.
- We need to understand demonic realms and ranks and the proper warfare for each.
- We need to know what spiritual preparation we need, before you go into a region, city, nation, or country.
- We need to know the range of our authority and the boundaries of the anointing we carry.
- We need to seek God about the spiritual climate and atmosphere you are entering into.
- We need to know when we can handle a warfare situation on our own and when when to have reinforcement with us, when encountering certain spirits.
- We need to know the Word and have revelation concerning the three worlds, the heavens the earth and under the earth.
I love ministry because I love to see people’s lives change as they walk in freedom and liberty, but I’m very concerned because so many are getting hit hard, because they are not spiritually prepared to go forth into the world.
In this hour you will see a greater manifestation of demonic powers that will challenge you at a higher place than you walk in. You are going to have to be filled until you overflow with the Holy Ghost, because He knows all things and He will be able to instruct you in what to do and how to do it.
Get ready. Ministry is not for showmanship, but for the up building of God’s Kingdom, the salvation of the people, the deliverance of souls, the healing of their bodies, and the renewing of the minds.
Many of you are being called from your comfort zone, so come on, let’s get in the trenches and get dirty for the souls!
NOTE: Make sure that those with whom are fighting are not capable of helping the enemy to kill you. The worst thing that can happen to a soldier is to be killed by friendly friend – having the one who was supposed to be fighting with you, hurt you, because they were using weapons they weren’t skilled with, or they were fearful, and started shooting everything that moved.
~ Apostle Barbara R. Thomas
Thank you woman of God for this truth.I pray that many of us would be aware of this truth.I would learn to learn more of this truth.