HomeProphecyMay We Be Found on a Honor Roll of Faith


May We Be Found on a Honor Roll of Faith — 5 Comments

  1. Wow, Joyce…..

    So well articulated with the loving boldness born of Spirit.

    Thank you, Sister.

    David NY

    • Bless your heart, David. Thank you for stopping by. God bless you and yours as you continue speaking boldly the truth.

      • Oh Joyce,

        Your words are a blessing more than you know. It is such a breath of fresh air to be able to feast on what is shared without having to spend energy sifting thru soul and “baggage” often woven in on other words shared.

        Thank you for being willing to let Him transform you into a clean vessel!



  2. Dear Joyce, I loved this post very much! So fundamentally needed and equally important in our walk with the LORD.  Putting on The Shield of Faith and adding to it are indeed powerful weapons against the enemy. It is a daily reminder for me as is always walking in His Love.  Thank you for all your wonderful and instructive posts! God bless you always! ❤️Gabrielle

    • Thank you so much precious Gabrielle!
      I miss reading a lot on HKP right now. I have always felt your beautiful spirit and honor you. May you continue to grow and abound in the kingdom of God and bring forth His words of life and beauty! Hugs, Joyce ❤️