HomeProphecyMay I Have Your Attention?


May I Have Your Attention? — 14 Comments

  1. Well Sandi! This hit like a huge wave. It’s been a stretching and growing decade for many, MANY who chose to obey the Lord when he called them to under the radar work and time in prayer. It’s the push out of yet another nest to get us to “Come up higher” in Him and do it with the clear, sober understanding that it is HIS work in us that had done the job, not our own wonderful selves being pious or spiritually gifted. 
    I know this specific word here that you shared has cost you. Oh my yes!  Thank you for being obedient and faithful. It spurs me on!
    Lots going on here…. I will be contacting you soon to talk about this and a few other interesting things. ☺️ I Love You Sandi!

    • I could not respond to your comment earlier about working with you, Mary because you didn’t leave me an email.
      Angus gave me what he thought was it but not sure since I didn’t hear from you. When I first sent it, it came back to me. So I am so glad this one bore witness with you because I believe if HE is ever going to get our full attention, it better be now. Lots going on here as well. Looking forward to hearing from you.  earthangel14@proton.me or 980-239-8803. Just touch base with me whenever. Love you much, Sandi

    • Thuli..You are so welcome. We are so blessed to be in His army. Indeed, I join in with you in the chorus as you sing praises to His name. Sending His richest blessings to you, Sandi Holman

  2. 2 Chronicles 20:21
    Psalms 107:1
    Philippians 4:4
    Whoo hoo!! HIS TRUTH MARCHES ON!!!!!!!!
    Thank You Jesus!!!
    Thank You Sandi!!

    • All GLory to God, dear Marc. His truth is marching on. We are blessed to march in His band and be beating the drum announcing Truth and Love. THank you for your input and love in Jesus. Sandi

  3. Thank you Sandi! :D
    As you shared how we’ll paralyze the enemy I was reminded of a testimony a friend gave last Sunday morning as she led Communion.
    She was on a flight sitting next to a business man who lived in Alaska but flew back and forth to North Dakata to see to his Trucking Company. He shared about a camping trip he and his two young sons took some years back in Alaska when they encountered a large bear and her cub. This man watched while the bears moved forward to the elder son with fierce determination. The man told the younger son to stay as he ran full speed right at the bear who stood up on her hind legs prepared to annihilate, he stooped nose to nose with this bear and from the tips of his toes, up his legs, up his torso up hischest until out of his mouth he screamed in a voice not even his own, “IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST GET OUT OF HERE!!!” The bears eyes suddenly filled with fear, she dropped back down on all fours and her and her cub turned tail and ran!!! The whole plane at this point was deadly silent, all were listening while this man shared the Power of the Name above all names!! The power that paralyzes our enemies…..He’s so good!!
    God bless your beautiful heart Sandi!! :)

    • Aw Cherish, I love your stories. Thanks so much for sharing these powerful confirmations. So so good to see how each move and act of God is so unique to the occasion and purpose He is addressing in our lives. Continue on passing on your stories, dear one. Someone needs to hear them. xoxoSandi

  4. honestly Sandi I dont know how the people of God are going to make it without the Spirit of God and gifts of the Spirit so badly needed today…..I know I couldnt make it….Pastors wake up and teach on the spirit of God like in times of old ….the word of God is the same it has not changed you are held responsible to know it and teach it…the lights and theatrics are ruining the people into thinking that that is a move of God….you dont need the theatrics for a real move of God..us older saints have seen and been part of the moveof God ..it hasnt changed and neither will God and his word…the harvest is so ripe and the world is awaiting the real manisfestation of the sons and daughters of God…Lord bring your fire down we need you..amen…

    • Thanks for your input, Joannie, it surely was rich! Preach on..May the pastoral arise with a hunger to preach conviction! We serve a God who changes not. I stand in agreement for the ripe harvest soon and I say, YES, Lord, let your fire fall!!! Blessings to you, Sandi Holman

  5. All Praise to Jesus!  This post and your previous one titled, “Capture the Moment”, spoke to my heart so much.  It never ceases to amaze me how a true Word from the Lord can drop so deep in our spirits and refresh us.  Blessings, Donna

    • Donna, Thanks so much for your confirmation. It is amazing when the Lord gives us a double witness of His directions and revelation needed for your moments of choice. God richly bless you, Sandi Holman

    • Good morning, Wong E Zin, We sing Halleluyah to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as own hearts come together in agreement to His words, His instructions and His direction for unity and love in His Kingdom. May His Kingdom come together quickly. Blessings, Sandi

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