HomeProphecyThe Matrix Revisited!


The Matrix Revisited! — 2 Comments

  1. Without Vision we will all perish. But in order to see clearly by the Spirit of God, we need to have the dross brought to ash and blown away. We need clean hands and a pure heart. My idols, like the gold and silver spoken of through Jeremiah, were different, but the same. They were a noose around my neck attached to the Jezebel who’s being judged and destroyed. I would have went down with her, and many are chained to her. And there are many more just as wicked and evil as Jezebel. I know that within my flesh I have less-than nothing, so daily, and sometimes more, I lay this less-than flesh on the Fiery Burning Alter of my Father’s Love, and allow Him to cleanse me and make me and mold me into the pure transparent Center-out Reflection of His Image, His Beautiful Loving-kindness Image!! :)
    God bless you beautiful lady!! :)

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