Martial Law is Coming
The world is changing rapidly and Martial Law is coming to many countries.
Through The Holy Spirit:
1. Jesus has set up government systems to help keep people in order. (Note: this does not mean all governments are perfect!). Satan is raising his army of people to overthrow governments and this is occurring now.
2. Martial Law will be put into place for many countries in order to deal with the uprising of the people.
3. Jesus does not want His People to be heavily involved in politics. He wants His People to be heavily involved with Him and when that happens, one begins to see politics through His eyes.
4. Many Christians are fearful today at what is happening around them. Remember, God is allowing many things to occur in order to bring about His return.
The Holy Spirit’s Words:
“My people, watch and be careful for many changes are taking effect. Many things are happening My People and the Devil is behind it all.
Do not worry for he is weak and he will not win. He can never beat Me and he will always lose. Do not be involved in many political things My People. I warn you!
Now come to Me for you will start to see many things collapse.”
Lastly, God is taking care of His Church like the Christian husbands are supposed to take care of their wife (see 1 Peter 3:7).
God is allowing much destruction to occur, especially in the days ahead. However, God is with His People and He will always watch over them and protect them.
Do not worry, for God is not weak!
~ Travis Coffey
Travis Coffey was called by Christ to be a prophet. His desire is to help people get informed about who Jesus is, and what is He is doing during these end times.
You may also find Travis at TC Prophecy on YouTube and on Facebook.
We shall not feel sorry for that this present system will collapse. We must understand that we live in Satan’s last kingdom which shall come down now and that this age will close and that God’s Kingdom is at the door.
Now God ‘pulls out’ His people from it in the same way you pulls out precious nails which you will spare from a house that you want to collapse. We have all been a part of the upholding of this building and now we must withdraw from it unless we will not go down with it.