HomeProphecyLocate and Determine Your Focus


Locate and Determine Your Focus — 2 Comments

  1. Amen!  I have been hearing that I need to focus more on His kingdom and less on the world.

    The Lord told me recently as I sough Him about an upcoming fast; I desire you to limit the influence of the world on your mind to the greatest extent possible. This goes beyond fasting for a time-this is a permanent calling for you to separate yourself from the ways, the distractions of the world that seek to pollute your mind with the garbage that causes people to be halfhearted and double-minded.

    Blessings Sandi.

    • That is GREAT, Robert E, so glad it was a divine confirmation to you. I know He has really been speaking to me to stay focused. THere are so many distractions today! Great to hear from you. Many blessings, my brother. Sandi

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