HomeProphecyLight or Darkness


Light or Darkness — 5 Comments

  1. Dear Joyce…..I just ordered your book on Amazon. Am very much looking forward to reading it.  Thank you for giving us a taste of what is within its pages.  It is so good to see fruit of your labour manifest in print.  It will touch many hearts.
    Love you sis, Patricia ❤️

    • Thank you both Sandi and Refresh for coming by and your comments!
      I pray grace, mercy & peace attend our every thought and step we take together in Jesus Name. (The prayer is borrowed from a beloved mentor and someone very special in my young days.)

      • I will send your book forward, dear Joyce I finally got to read it today. What a treasure. I will treasure it always as I share it and pay it forward. Thank you for giving your all. What a faithful disciple you are. You have set the bar high, my sister, for those who come behing you. I was just thinking today about Angus and Jill and the faithful HKP family here and how faithful they have been. I am forever grateful for what they have taught me and done for me. Only GOD put them in my life. Thank you for your faithful prayers and friendship. xoxo Sandi

  2. Thank you dear sister!


    “My Church shall stand strong. A blood bought Remnant shall be spared and many of your loved ones,
    for you have called out for mercy to Me in their behalf.“

    We stand UNITED as “Soldiers of the Cross”
    Raising HIGH our Banner of Truth and Love!

    We overcome…through the BLOOD OF THE LAMB,
    and we don’t cling to our rights…our life…
    but freely give ourselves over to our Lord and King!

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