Let His Light in You Shine Brightly
“Let My light that is in you shine brightly and penetrate the darkness in your environs,” says The LORD.
“My light will put out the darkness in every corner of your world around you. The darkness cannot defeat My light and it cannot defeat or penetrate you.
“Your life is hidden in Me, and no darkness can touch you because it cannot touch against Me. You will indeed illuminate the world around you with light that cannot be put out and cannot be dimmed or extinguished.
“Rather, you will defeat the defeat with MY LIGHT that is more powerful than a laser,” says The LORD.
“You will not be a closet believer that is obscure and unreachable,” says The LORD.
“For I have called you OUT OF DARKNESS, into My marvelous kingdom of LIGHT. YOU ARE OUT of obscurity. Do not think for a moment that you can go unnoticed.
“For I have given you My life and light in you to become a world changer. You will do this in your own corner of the world, and I will expand your boarders and your effectiveness will grow and expand as your light shines, and pushes the darkness out and enlarges My Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
I RECEIVE I RECEIVE I RECEIVE!!! All glory and honor be unto Him Who is our Light and Who shines brightly in us!!! Awesome word June; God bless you! :)
Woohoo!!! Yes my King! Absolutely awesome. Thank you my Savior. Thank you Mighty Woman of God. Love it.
Tak til min fantastiske Jesus