“Lean on ME,” says The LORD!
“Lean on ME,” says The LORD.
“You have leaned on the arms of others, and they have failed you. You have leaned on the arms of the flesh, and that has not supported you.
“You have trusted in others that have disappointed you, and when you were the weakest and most vulnerable, instead of them holding you up, they brought you down.
“You have turned to the left, and then the right, but found no support when you needed it the most. Look rather to Me, for I will not fail you as others have.
“I will never be inconsistent. I AM always the same. You can depend upon Me when you are weak, for I will GIVE you strength, and I will always help you,” says The LORD.
“Though others have failed you, have abandoned you, have abused you and taken advantage of you, that will not happen with Me,” says The LORD.
‘I have no agenda, and My only desire is to pour out My love upon you and give you everything that you need. I will be with you in trouble, to bring you out of it.
“I will stay with you through every storm of life and bring you safely to the other side. I AM that hiding place for you, and you are safe and secure in Me, who is your friend that will always be faithful and true,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Thank you my king. Glory be to thy name.Thank you sister.
Amen! Lean on the everlasting arms! He is the soon coming King! Coming for those who are looking for Him! We call from the north, south,east,& the west, ” Prodigals come home to Jesus! ” Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!
Thank you and sharing.
Amen fantastiske ord – I Jesus har vi alt