Kiss The Cross
See also: “Kiss the Cross” (Part 2)
God is literally placing people in your life and taking the wrong people away.
He says, “Trust the open and closed doors.”
He is purifying hearts and saying, “No more mixture of spirit and flesh! Your purpose is being sanctified as you come up higher and you are being set in place as the third person of a three fold cord that is not easily broken.”
The Father is saying, “This is not the moment to try to figure everything out. It is a moment of complete yielding to the finished work of The Cross and remembering the last words of Jesus as He totally surrendered all,
“Father forgive them… for they know now what they do.”
I say, many are demanding their right to be right, but they do not know their own hearts. Don’t wear yourself out trying to prove who you are.
Take a moment and be glad for the battle scars that are reminders of overcoming. Be thankful for those truths you have learned through betrayals, manipulation and control and walk in Calvary Love as you move forward.
Again I say, In everything Give Thanks and know that I AM working all things together for good.
Yield not to your own understanding, but allow Me to open up your eyes of understanding that will give true Wisdom as you embrace truth.
Kiss the cross, beloved. You are being fashioned as a Vessel of Honor,” says The LORD of Gory.
Let God arise and His enemies be scattered. Let God arise in the darkness. Arise! Shine!
“The brightness of your light is dispelling the darkness. I, The LORD God, came to put a Sword in your hand. Your sharp Sword shall cut through the witchcraft and The Word of God in your mouth as you speak it with Holy Boldness, full of Faith is the powerful weapon of your warfare.
The Fire of My Love shall establish Truth and destroy deception,” saith The LORD.
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it,” John 1:5.
See also: “Kiss the Cross” (Part 2)
~ Sandi Holman
Sandi Holman of Matters of the Heart website was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions. Sword of the Lord Ministries came from a divine encounter with the Lord when He came into her prayer room and said, “I have come to put a sword in your hand and was given special instructions on how and when to use it.” She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor and Seer, Chaplain, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper, and Blogger who has also served as a Pastor Online with Beyond the Veil Ministries.
Well spoken and each Word is strategically placed to hit our heart by the Father to me and all who read. So needed for such a time as this.
This part especially spoke to me, “The Father is saying, “This is not the moment to try to figure everything out. It is a moment of complete yielding to the finished work of The Cross and remembering the last words of Jesus as He totally surrendered all,“Father forgive them… for they know now what they do.”
Thank you Sandi for sharing this.
Thank you dear Joyce for responding. The Lord prompted me to repost and write a follow up. He said 3 people needed clarity! Love you my dear sister, Sandi