“It is time to use the Keys I have given you!” says The LORD.
“I have given you Three Keys to open doors locked for centuries!”
The LORD then spoke of these Three Keys.
Key 1
The Key to the door of The Way of Unity.
Also called the Key to the door of Building Bridges — the door to the Way of Unity will unlock the stubborn hearts and minds that continually oppose and block unity.
This Key opens the way for The Holy Spirit to enter the situation with a solution that binds jealousy, cancels delaying assignments, and resolves old hurts and wounds with forgiveness and brotherly love.
Key 2
The Key to the door of Releasing Gifts.
Also called the Key to the door of Healing and Miracles.
Not just Healing and Miracles, but release for captives, breaking the yoke of bondage, and speaking words of creation.
Speaking that which is not — as though it were!
Key 3
The Key to the door of Involvement of All.
Also called the Key to the door of Others First — Self Last.
This Key has been hidden from us by the enemy for centuries.
It has been truthfully said that in most Churches, 95% of all the work is done by 10% of all the people.
In the coming days, people will be so impacted by The Holy Spirit working among them that they will be lining up to help in any and every situation.
Thus, Jesus words, “By their fruits shall you know them,” (Matthew 7:15-20) will be very obvious even to a cynical and doubting world.
“You have been given these Keys and now I AM activating them!” says The LORD.
“The time has come for you to open the floodgates for your Church — your area — and allow My Spirit to work freely among you!”
~ Chris G. Bennett
Chris Bennett came to salvation in 1962 but didn’t begin ministry until 2007 — a late-comer! Now mandated by The LORD to prophesy and open old wells of revival in the U.K., but especially in Wales. He has also operated Healing Rooms, and worked with deliverance teams, all with his wife, Linda. Happily now doing whatever The LORD asks of them! Founder, with wife Linda, of their ministry The Upper Room Encounter.
I had a dream last night, I went to see a resale home. I was in the kitchen and had a key in my hand and it was to open the first kitchen cupboard. I walked into the large living room and noticed disordered furniture all over the place. . Fireplace was dated, old dirty linen on bed which was in center of living room and noticed something very strange- 6 kitchen tables placed sporadically in the room. The dream then ended. And now I reading this post. My marriage broken, this has divided my family. I have open emotional verbal wounds that will take a miracle to close. It hurts to hope in ANYTHING.