Kenya: The Media & Government Versus the Church!
I was listening to the Holy Spirit this morning concerning the issue between the Media/ Government and the Church in Kenya.
I hear Him say, “David knew exactly how to fight Goliath. He did not go for the same weapons the enemy was using, but for a unique ones (a sling and stones) and that brought the giant down.”
Now the Church in Kenya must realise this is not a battle against a journalist or men, but against PRINCIPALITIES and POWERS and cannot be won through EXCHANGE of WORDS.
God loves such battles because He fights them Himself and at the end He is glorified.
The Bible clearly says that FALSE PROPHETS will co-exist alongside the GENUINE ones: God has allowed the ‘wheat and tares to grow together till the time of judgment, (Matthew 13:24-30).
So no government or media station can change prophecy or even help God to set a distinction between the two.
The REMNANT Church is also tired of the FALSE GIMMICKS, but we must choose our battles correctly.
Where God has already spoken about it, we hold our COMMENTS, use wisdom where necessary and wait on His word to come to pass.
Let the remnant Church arise and pray for God’s own INTERVENTION in this matter-that the same mouths that spoke will see God act on behalf of His true family and be very afraid.
Let them remnant Church pray for the MEDIA and GOVERNMENT even more as instructed by the Word, (Matthew 5:44).
An EARTHLY government cannot regularise a SPIRITUAL government. Truth be told, all these earthly governments will pass away but only one Kingdom will remain standing.
The Church of Jesus Christ is facing persecution, but the word also says,
‘Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you,” Matthew 5:10-12.
~ Esther Hadassah
Revivalist & Apostolic servant of Jesus Christ
Esther Hadassah is an apostolic minister and an end-time revival preacher. She has been serving in full time prophetic ministry for the past three years. The LORD has called her to preach the message of the holiness and repentance and to set the captives free.