Jesus Paid It ALL!
Yes, Jesus paid it all!
So what are you doing not believing it is all done?
Either you are saved and set free of all, or you have never been set free!
If….. you are still struggling, you have never entered into Jesus, because Jesus paid it all.
There is nothing left that is not done…. because…. sin had left a crimson stain, but he has made it white as snow!
This is the message that is not being preached in many “Churches”…… because they still struggle to be set free.
Jesus died and His Blood set all free who will believe and receive!
~ Desert Prophet Ken Dewey
The light will shine in His glory… In the desert.
Evangelist/ Prophet/ Pastor Ken Dewey is the founder of “OUT OF THE DESERT MINISTRIES“ in Belen, New Mexico, USA. He writes on this Web Site, many Prophetic words, Sermons and teachings while leading people into true church settings and preaching in an End Time Gospel Ministry.
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