HomeProphecyJesus on Your Past Traumas


Jesus on Your Past Traumas — 4 Comments

  1. I just opened up Proverbs 3, 11-12, which says the same as Hebrew 12, 1-17!
    That says it all…God chastises his sons and daughters out of love like eatrhly fathers do when a child does not obey.

  2. I am not quite content with the answer, dear Travis.
    I have gone through much pain and some traumatic experiences in my long life, and studied my Bible a lot about this topic.
    Yes, God does not cause these things, but everything must pass HIS Will. Otherwise the enemy can do nothing.
    Yes, if he finds an open door in us through sin, own sin or generational sin, he has a legal right to invade.
    But basically God is the Souvereign over our lifes.
    He lets things happen for our refinement, if we think of Joseph, or to test our faith as it was with Job. In his trials he lamented to God not to the Devil, and so did all the people we read of in the Bible.
    There has been a wrong unbalanced teaching, blaming more the Devil than to see the whole picture.

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