HomeProphecyJesus on World War Three


Jesus on World War Three — 10 Comments

  1. Thank you Sir, for posting this Word. You honor the Lord in your writing style, short clear into the point. Simple, yet chock full of wisdom and revelation.

    There’s such a spirit of humility in your words. And I really sense your scribe-anointing that you walk in is growing. Shalom

  2. Heavenly Father,
    The Redeemed loves You and Your Kingdom!
    Hollowed Be Thy Name For Your Kingdom Has Risen Up
    All Needed Wars Have Been Fought and Won
    We honor Your Son Jesus
    Thank You for Your Son Jesus who is always the Victor
    And The Redeemed Prayer is This
    The Redeemed say Revivals NOT War in This Hour
    Your Kingdom Is The Power and The Glory Forever
    You Father are Mighty and A Holy King of Heaven
    A WWIII will not appear upon the Earth For
    The Redeemed Agrees with Heaven and all Redeemed for NO WWIII
    I Decree and Declare that a World War Three will not arise for
    This is the Redeemed Time for Revival and Harvest
    This is the Redeemed Time for Visitation to Heaven
    This is the Redeemed Time for Satan to be cast into hell
    This is the Redeemed Time for Wicked Men of War to be in hell
    This is the Redeemed Time for Peace on Earth
    This is the Redeemed Time to Live with Jesus on Earth
    The Redeemed have bind and heaven has bound the enemy’s evil war agenda
    The Redeemed breaks the power of the enemy’s war in Jesus Name
    The Redeemed has comes into agreement saying NO WWIII
    The Redeemed Praise God and Heaven for Victory to be in Peace

  3. Woooooow, this is exactly what the Spirit has been emphasizing since 2005 about Asia and the Middle East and Africa.
    Not war, but revival.
    One final revival and then in the heat of the revival the trumpet

  4. but the word does say there will be a great war to come in the days ahead. Should we pray that it shouldnt come when the scriptures say it will come?

  5. Gott ist gegenwärtig, lasset uns Ihn anbeten und in Ehrfurcht vor Ihn treten.

    [ HKP : “God is present, let us worship Him and stand before Him in reverence.” ]

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