Jesus Invested in People, While All Were Sinners!
Jesus invested in people while we all were yet sinners.
Christ shed his precious blood and died for us all, yes while we was rebellious sinners!
He could have come up with a million reasons to judge us on, as to why he should not go to the Cross, as we certainly was not worthy of that sacrifice, if we look at our value based upon any of our works, good deeds, social standards etc..
We are God’s creation and God deemed us valuable of redemption, because He alone has a plan for our life and we do have purpose upon our life.
Only through following the path Jesus ordained for us to walk and follow him, shall we reach that destination.
We are pressing into The Kingdom — which is God’s Kingdom — His Way — because He is the only Way.
There is only One Way to full Redemption and to recover all that was lost in the original fall.
There is not fifty million versions of that path only one way, only one inspired truth or path, and only one Holy Spirit who will lead and guide you into that only one truth, all truth!
Do not expect The Holy Spirit to show up and lead you through another version — or another Gospel — that He did not inspire.
Paul spoke of how many would receive another Gospel and another Jesus. He also said, do not even bid them “God speed!”
If God did not inspire it, then He is not the author of it.
So The Holy Spirit only testifies of the true inspired Living Word — which is Jesus — the real Jesus.
God is not the author of confusion in The Churches! Satan is!
Satan is the twisting serpent who comes to bring division and chaos — and John the Revelator was called up in the Spirit and given a Message to deliver to the seven churches in Asia who had much to overcome.
Only he who has ears to hear will hear the Message. Christ’s True Body is not divided and they are all speaking the same thing.
God wants us to all come into the unity of The Spirit, and so he has placed a true Five-fold Ministry in The Churches, who do preach and teach the true inspired Word of God — and not another version of it.
Take heed who you are listening to and what you are receiving, because the real text has one Author and the twisted versions have one author — and he is not the Holy Spirit.
Take heed that you be not deceived in receiving another Gospel.
Over and over Jesus tells us not to be deceived — for in these last days there would be much deception.
Satan is not doing anything new. His tactics are to twist The Word of God. He has always been the same today, as from the very beginning in the Garden of Eden.
~ Kimberly Fuller
Amen. Thank you mighty woman of God, teaching powerful truths that the Body of Christ can know and Believe – Sin – no longer has – dominion – over our lives after we receive Christ as our personal Savior. Anyone who says, salvation causes one to never think, say or do something that might be sinful is a liar !! Understand beloved, that our walk w/God is progressive, and God is refining us daily as we yield to the Holy Spirit daily. We do not exalt sin …we exalt the Savior who knew no sin Jesus – and now the Father sees Jesu THE sinless Savior in us. We are accepted in the Beloved. Eph. 1:6 KJV Any teaching/s, that teach ‘perfection’, do this and that to be like Christ is NOT Holy Spirit inspired. It is now what we do rather it’s what HE …(did) DONE as stated so profoundly by the woman of God in this post. Watch and pray Church.
God does not love us for who we are. He loves us in spite of what we are. We can love Him because he loved us first.
The one true God is not taking us back to a garden. He is taking us to himself in Christ this is a place of no sin no failure it is a place he had in mind before there ever was a garden before there ever was a man. There is only not my will but your will be done.
There is only Christ in you the hope of glory. There is only we are dead to sin but alive to God through Christ Jesus. We become like him as he abides in us. We are not waiting for Jesus to return we know he has and now he is our life. New heavens new earth these things are now a reality to those in Christ. We are not looking back we are pressing on toward the mark.the high calling of God in Christ. Some things to think about as the true church sheds its grave clothes and walks in newness of life now.
A powerful message, Kimberly! ❤️