It’s Not All Going to Be Hallelujah and Joy!
It’s not all going to be hallelujah and joy. It’s not all going to be successful Satan bashing.
The enemy is going to fight back, and unless we are prepared for War, he’s going to win more battles than he loses.
But God has known this for a long time, and that is why He has given us the armour and the weapons to wage Spiritual War in the heavenlies.
“There has been a war raging all about you for a long time,” says The LORD.
“The enemy, Satan, is trying to slow down or even prevent the next wave of My Spirit falling upon the world.
The more you call upon My Spirit to be poured out, the more He will be poured out.
The time is NOW for you to press in and to cry out for MORE and MORE of My Spirit.”
I see wave after wave after wave of The Holy Spirit being poured out over The United Kingdom, Europe, and America.
Each wave brings with it an increase in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit of God, and each brings with it an increase in the signs and wonders following.
“How long before you see a whole limb grow again?” asks The LORD.
“Press in for more and you will see severed limbs reattached, serious wounds heal as you watch and pray, accident victims mended and brought back to life while one or two believers pray and while non-believers stand and watch in total astonishment.
As you press in, you release more and more of My Presence.
You will see Saturday night outreach in even the red light areas close establishments down as ‘clients’ and practitioners kneel alongside each other in tearful repentance.
There will be no end to the testimonies coming from these places.
Yet the enemy will not stand still and allow this to go unanswered!” says The LORD.
“There will be great persecution of My People caught operating in these dangerous areas.
Modern martyrs will be made from My People, who stand between the world and the gates of Hell.
Even so,” says The LORD, “I AM calling for those who will cause the devil to flee in My Name.
Those who will carry My presence into the enemy’s citadel.
Those who will listen to the enemy’s planning and then wage war in the heavenlies against him.
Those who would stand at the very gates of Hell and pluck those entering from his hand.
No,” says The LORD, “this coming season is not for the faint-hearted, nor for the lukewarm or lacking in zeal!
This coming season is for intercessors and warriors of all parts of the body to come together in unity of heart, mind, and spirit to establish My Kingdom here on earth once again.
Come to Me! Build My Presence! See My Kingdom come — My Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven!”
~ Chris G. Bennett
Chris Bennett came to salvation in 1962 but didn’t begin ministry until 2007 — a late-comer! Now mandated by The LORD to prophesy and open old wells of revival in the U.K., but especially in Wales. He has also operated Healing Rooms, and worked with deliverance teams, all with his wife, Linda. Happily now doing whatever The LORD asks of them! Founder, with wife Linda, of their ministry The Upper Room Encounter.
Sharing and believing this awesome Word from our Lord. Thank you my brother.