It’s easy to go from Spirit to flesh
The Spirit gives you physical energy as long as He remains strong in you, Romans 8:11. Spiritual energy is extremely attractive and can be seen by all, but seldom understood by all. Another word for spiritual energy is, virtue. When the woman touched My clothes, I felt spiritual energy go out of Me, as she drew on My healing power, Luke 8:46. However what you might not know is, I maintained My spiritual energy without measure, because I was always in contact with My Father, John 5:30.
Spiritual energy must be replaced as quickly as possible in order to prevent a complete draining and eventual burnout. The enemies goal is to get you weary in well doing, 2 Thessalonians 3:13. If you become drained of Spirit energy and keep going for any reason whatsoever, you automatically move into a performance mode and then you switch tanks and soul energy takes over. Now you are doing the same thing but in the flesh, and it becomes all about you! The sacrifices you are making, the price you are paying, and how little everyone else is doing! Soon what you started out doing with joy, you detest in bitterness, and constant complaining.
Are you that foolish, having begun in the Spirit, do you think you can keep going, knowing you are drained of Spirit energy, do you actually think you can minister life by the flesh? Galatians 3:3. You are actually killing yourself and others, because no matter how good it looks, you that just keep going are preforming in flesh power. What you don’t notice is you are do more and more things of the flesh; but if you will STOP to refill every few hours by getting away with My Father, you will have plenty of Spirit energy and do everything in the Spirit and keep following the things of the Spirit. [8] So then, you that are doing things in the flesh cannot please Me, the Holy Spirit or My Father,” Romans 8:5,8.
So STOP, turn it over to someone who is full of Spirit energy and get refilled with Me. If you are worn out, your tank is drained of Spirit energy, Stop now, before you send more people into darkness! I don’t care how many sinners prayers they pray, your prayers are fleshly because you are operating in flesh power. You end up convincing people they are saved because they followed you in a prayer, this is destructive, giving them false hope. My ministry is easy and it’s burdens are light, because the power comes from Spirit energy.
“Every few hours come to Me, you that are laboring and are weighed down with your ministry, and I will give you rest, and refill your tank with Spirit energy. [29] Forget your ministry and take up My ministry and learn from Me; for I am not trying to prove anything, I am meek and lowly in heart: and you will find rest unto your souls. [30] For My ministry is easy, and My burden for the needs of people is light, because I operate with Spirit Energy.” Matthew 11:28-30.
Do not allow the enemy to push, let Me lead! The moment you feel pushed turn aside and save yourself from a complete draining of Spirit Energy. It is very easy to keep going and innocently bring forth death, out of soulish flesh power!
“It is only the Spirit that produces eternal energy; the flesh profits you nothing: these words that I speak to you, they are Spirit, and they will save your life and the lives of those I send you too,” John 6:63.
~ Jim Hammerle
Jim Hammerle (1941-2017) began ministry working with David Wilkerson and Nicky Cruz, founding Teen Challenge Philadelphia. 6 times in the mission field pastoring a mission ship, 15 years with tv and radio, teaching, and preaching. As a retired businessman, Jim helped to feed widows and orphans in Uganda, helping Muslims find the Jesus who fed them. He became His banker and was privileged to give His money away, wherever He decided, so he also helping to build an orphanage in Haiti and investing in lives in the USA. Totally in love with his Lord, at age 73 he served in ministry at Victory Christian Church and lived every hour listening for his Heavenly Father’s voice. Jim passed away on May 23, 2017 to be with the LORD. |
Holy Spirit ,my Helper,grant me the grace to remain in the Spirit and not in the flesh.